
Im 16 and a junior in high school...this is weird right?

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i've never had my first

ive had my first bf..but he was the only one ive ever that so weird

i just dont wanna give out my firsts and regret them later in life.




  1. Smart move. Everyone is doing it, why should you? Be in it for you.

    You would just be a notch for someone right now anyway.

    I hope others read this and get it. You are just a notch at this young age. Let it be someone else. Why does it have to be you who gets the first kiss and then becomes pregnant. Don't be that person.

  2. Nope! I didn't get my first kiss until 21. : ) Worth the wait!

  3. good. at least someone in this category has freakin morals =]

  4. It's not weird at all, and YEY FOR YOU for wanting to wait until it's special.

  5. I'm 15 and a sophomore and I have yet to have my first kiss.

    I haven't had a bf.

    And I feel the same, if i kiss a guy, I don't want it to be because I thought I was being rushed and then regret it.

    With the way some girls our age are already pregnant, I'm not too worried about the kiss. Though, I would love a bf and to have my first kiss.

    So to answer your question, I do not think it's weird at all for you to be a junior and not have had your first kiss.

  6. not at all.

    if you were 60, maybe. 16, no.

  7. nah i just had my first kiss..and unfortunately i shouldve saved it

    im 15

    and i was..well, NOT sober lol

  8. its only weird if you make it.  everyone has their own opinions on these things.  if youre fine with it, thats really all that matters :)

  9. Now at 21 I had my first kiss, I encourage you to wait and don't force anything. That will make the occasion even more wonderful.  

  10. Im a sophomore and am same as you.  No kiss here either.  Same here you have only have your first kiss once a lifetime.  

  11. Not wierd at all

    I'm 19 and have never been kissed or had a boyfriend.

    I just have not found the right guy.  

  12. Not weird at all! It'll come soon enough. :]

  13. Its not weird at all. Lots of people look back at their first kiss with regret and embarresment, and its great you are trying to keep it special.

  14. No, it isn't weird. Granted, I had my first kiss at 8, but I have friends who didn't have their first kiss until 16 or 17.

  15. I'm a sophomore, and no kisses or bfs.

    I lied and told my friends that I've skinny dipped with boys. And I lied and told my parents that I've made out with a boy before.

    I guess I'm kind of embarrassed, but oh well lol.

  16. no, of course its not weird. save your first for someone special, who you trust... don't go give things out for free.

    its actually quite cool to see someone who doesn't let people take advantage of them.

    i'm proud. well done!

  17. nah.  its not weird at all.  your probably not toughs out going people.  any ways.  no its not weird.  I didn't get my first kiss until i was in 8th grade though.  same as my first girlfriend.  but I'm going to high school this year.  woo hoo.  any ways.  it will all come in time.

  18. No, that's not weird at all.

    I didn't get my first kiss until I was 17 and a senior.

  19. no thats not weird.. im first kiss

  20. No I do not think that is weird I think it is great that you are waiting for the right person good on you

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