
Im 16 and have a baby and i want to go live with my boyfriend but his parents think they would get introuble?

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he is 18 years old would they get introuble




  1. oh yah!!!! i am sixteen and i am do in augest!!! i am so excited i am giving natural birth! i am not scared because it was totaly worth the s*x   mannn   dint u get horneyy!!!   umm.......    i think it is a great idea!  then u both can spend more time together and sleep together!!! more!

  2. why is everyone giving a thumbs down for saying he can get into trouble.

    he can and its smart of his parents to not let you there anyway. im sure they dont want anymore grandchildren.

  3. You are legally emancipated from your parents, so really, you can do as you please. BUT, listen to your parents, they know more than you do, and are looking out for you.

  4. Im not too sure if the parents would get into trouble. But your boyfriend would. It's called statutory rape.

  5. well....

    first it would depend on what state you live in and if you live in a state that you can go to court to emancipate yourself then no they wouldn't get into trouble

    I know in GA when you have a baby under the age of 17 you are automatically emancipated...

    Hope this helps....

  6. if you had s*x then it could be filed as rape since he is of age and your not

  7. stick with your house

  8. I don't believe in people being judged because they have babies at such a young age. As long as the babies interests are always first in your head then i would do what feels right. If its a nice place and it has all the requirements for baby, yourself and your boyfriend then why not? talk it through with your parents though first even though you may feel grown up because you have a baby, without sounding condescending you are still a baby yourself. But good luck to you and your boyfriend for being together, wanting to live together and raise your baby together.

  9. is it your boyfriends baby? If your parents or whomever you live with disagree with you moving out, depending on what state you live in, you can go to court to try to get emancipated, but you have to have a clean record and be working for awhile to prove you can take care of yourself.

    check out emancipation laws in your state, google it.

    edit- statutory rape? she's 16 and her boyfriend is 18, if it's a 2 year difference it's not statutory rape sweetheart.

  10. I'm so happy to hear that youre keeping the baby :]

    His parents would not get in trouble, and as long as your parents don't file charges, you should be perfectly fine.

    Good luck :]

  11. If you have your parents permission then nobody will get in trouble.  You may want to contact a lawyer or somebody who knows all the ins and outs of that stuff if you're seriously concerned about it.

  12. yeah without your parents conciet

  13. Depends on the state laws I would think.  Here in Michigan you are not allowed to be on your own until you are 18.  If you are under 18 someone you are living with is required to be your guardian.  The only way around it is to get emancipation which is not given out very often.  I had a 16 yr old girlfriend live with me and I was asigned as a legal guardian to her temporarily until she was emancipated.  It was a long costly process dealing with the courts and lawyers.  It also made me feel like more of a dad then a boyfriend which caused problems since I was responsible for her.

  14. I love how a lot of people seem to have the first instinct of semi-attacking you. I apologize for them, as this is wholly inappropriate. At any rate, it depends on the state you live in. What do your parents think of the situation? Statutory rape is a crime that your boyfriend could be charged with as you are still technically a minor.... however, this is wholly dependent upon your parents choosing to press charges. If they're ok with the idea, there's no reason you can't move in together... In fact, with their permission,  you could get married to him at 16 if that's what you two choose... you might think about it, because it will definitely be financially beneficial for you, and you'll probably need all the help you can get. I wish you the best of luck.

  15. No only your boyfriend would get introuble since hes the the legal adult.

  16. No, they wouldn't get in trouble.  The legal age of consent in most states is 16.  I wish you all the luck.  You're gonna need it.  kids have no business having kids.

  17. i don't think so my friend is 16 has a daughter and her and her boyfriend live together and they don't get into trouble they spend more time working as a family!

  18. Umm they could'nt get in trouble, but your boyfriend definitly could. He is 18 and you are a minor. This could be jail time for him. I would not make this decision right now. I would wait until later.

  19. You are both responsible put some info because there must be a reason why you dont want to live with your parents

    =]GooD LucK

  20. you r crazy and yes he would get in trouble


  21. I'm not sure if this applies everywhere, but when you are under the age of 18 and have a baby, you are automatically emancipated. Therefore, you can be considered an "adult." I would research this more though. I don't think you would though. As long as the parents/guardians from both parties approves.

  22. They will get in trouble if you don't have parental permission to live there (or anywhere). That would be seen as interfering with custody, harboring a runaway, contributing to the delinquency of a minor, or whatever the law would call it in  your particular state.

    If your parents are adamant about you not living with your boyfriend, you have to respect their wishes until they're no longer legally responsible for you. And you are NOT automatically emancipated in most states just because you have a baby. You had better check this out carefully before you act.

  23. depends on your parents and how they feel. you can be emancipated.six teen is a little young to be on your own especially with a baby.he is an adult at 18 does is he really mentally ready to take on this responsibility. some men are flight risk.or shall i still say boys.

  24. This is a bad idea

  25. yeahhh

    computer wiz's answer my question, 10 points!;...

  26. 16 and with a baby?

    Why is this a common theme these days...? Hmm.

  27. Well you technically are still a minor.But it all depends on the state laws. Why do you want to live with him? Ask yourself is it worth it or are you just doing it to get away from your parents.There are all sorts of reasons when you are young why you do things.Just think it over I was a young mother as well and it isnt easy especailly alone

  28. Get a life and use condoms or pills your life is fck now.

  29. I'm 16 and pregnant and i live with my boyfriend. I think it's fine, don't listen to other people.. since your having a baby and growing up to be a grown adult it's your choice to do what you wanna do!!!

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