
Im 16 and i have a bf. i luv him or at least i got luv for him...weve onyl been going out for a month...?

by Guest56219  |  earlier

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but known eachother two months. we see eachother everyday almost. 2 days is he most weve gone without seeing eachother since we started going out and i sleep over his hosue at least once a week. ik it seems liekw ere obssessed with eachother but we just wanan spend as much time together as we can before school starts cuz we live in diff towns so once it starts we will barely see each other. we fight a lot but thts prolly just cuz were around eachother soo much. he tends to hold back with everyone but im slowly gettin him to open up to me. it feels like weve been oing out for a year now cuz weve gone through so much in this past month. is this normal? or no?




  1. it is very normal.

    but i think at your age, i will not call it love. in due time it will fade away

  2. its normal.. your young and we all go through that "puppy love" we'll call it ; ) stage in our teens at one point or another.. try not to fight and enjoy it while it lasts : )  

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