
Im 16 and ive had my period since 12yrs and i havent had my period for 3months. What should i do? ?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have a good relationship with my mom and i go to a pediatric doctor that doesnt give them out so if the pill is the answer is there a way i can get it? By the way i live in Westport, Connecticut if that helps.




  1. Unless You've Had s*x And Your Pregnant. This Does Happen Sometimes You Can Start And Then It Stops And Then Starts Again.

  2. Start picking out baby names.

  3. i think u rperiods are just irregular, the pill wont nesasaraly change them cos u have to take them on the first day off ur period when u start taking them i woul suggest relaxing becasue stress can cause them to be late or change a diet cahnge may also affect it and s*x! u may also b pregnant

  4. Take a pregnancy test!

  5. Are you pregnant?

    That might have something to do with it if you are.

  6. are you overweight, have acne, oily skin, unwanted hair growth in strange places? look up pcos, this could be a reason. another one is have you lost weight or gained a lot of weight lately? have you been very stressed?  

  7. Go to your local planned parenthood, they will give you a preg. test and if you're not pregnant then they will give you birth control.  They could also tell you why you're not getting your period.  They are low cost or free depending on your situtation and you dont have to worry about them saying anything to your parents.

  8. Idk!??? ... go to another doctor or another town and get some  

  9. I'm guessing you're sexually active? Go to your health department, most give out condoms, BC, morning after pill, all that good stuff out for free. If you dont have access (or a ride), you can probably get some stuff at you counselors office at school.

  10. It seems like everyone who has answered this question has said "preganant"...and that is not necessarily true. First off, you said that you have not had s*x. So, clearly, unless you are the next Virgin Mary, you are not pregnant. There are always other factors. If you have lost any significant amount of weight recently, that can throw off your regularity. If you have been experiencing any type of pain, it can be something along the lines of ovarian cysts. I mean, if it were me, I would try to get it checked out. It isnt normal to not have your period for three months. See what happens, and if you notice anything alarming, please get it checked out. As hard as it may be, but you dont want any serious problems.

  11. i think ur pregnant

  12. the phone number is different for where you live, and i'm not sure if they have this outside of canada but there is a health nurse you can call and it is free and you can ask any question and they will recommend what is best.

  13. 1. ur pregnant take the test

    2.hormones are changing

    3. something wrong with u

    4. talk to ur mom about it

  14. There are free clinics you can go to and get the pill, but that doesn't help if you are pregnant already, in which you haven't had it in 3 months, thats pretty much 95 % that you are. I would go get a pregnancy test and if your pregnant tell your mom.

  15. If you've had any type of sexual contact, then there is the possibility that you are pregnant. If not, then it isn't uncommon for young girls/women to not get their periods every month. I used to have my period every 4 or 7 months before I was put on birth control. Talk to your doctor. Many pediatric doctors can go OBGYN exams, mine did and was able to put me on birth control.

  16. Well , if your having s*x and you havent had your period then you MIGHT be pregnant take a  test.

  17. well unless you could be pregnant, it could just be irregular, because your period doesnt really become stable until your like 19. mines like that too i get it every couple of months in stead of every =[ ask your doctor where you'd be able to get the pill if you want it =]

  18. Ask yourself if you have ever had unprotected s*x with anyone before because if so then I think you may be pregnant. If you haven't had s*x before then you should consult a doctor. The pill won't help you if you're already pregnant but if it's just because you have missed them for no reason then it may help you. You first should find out if you're pregnant though, and if you are then you HAVE to tell your mom no matter what the relationship is because this is something she should know. So, first ask yourself if you've had unprotected s*x, if yes then buy a pregnancy test and check, then go to the doctors.

  19. um i am pretty sure that you are pregnant

    take a test or see a doctor or something

  20. i unno maybe ur sick  just sayin  

  21. Have you missed a period because you are having s*x?  If so, you could be pregnant.  Could it be that you are too active or have lost a lot of weight, your period can stop then too.  If you need to be on the pill, to regulate your period, then you can talk to your doctor about it.  Periatric doctors still can prescribe the pill to regulate your period.  I went to a walk in clinic to get the pill when I was 16, but I had to pay for it too.  Call ahead and ask how much the visit will cost you.  You'll also need to call a pharmacy to ask how much to fill the prescription.  Good luck!

  22. Are you Pregnant?

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