
Im 16 and leaving school in the UK but my mum is thinking of moving to Australia.?

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I'm leaving school in the UK. I'm 16 and i've been told in Australia you have to stay at school until your 18. And my mum is thinking of moving there and i've had enough of school! Would i have to still go to school in Australia although i've left school in the UK?




  1. you can leave school at any age here in aus, you just have to sign out, there is no set age, i dunno where you heard that but its c**p

  2. Come over and try school here, at least it will be a way for you to meet a whole pile of new friends, if you don't like it you can do a TAFE Course, they are part time or full time, u could work part time and study, there's no point in dropping out too early as your jobs will be limited.  Try and get some solid information from the board of education over here before you make your mind up.

  3. you can get out of school in australia after your 16 or completed yr 10.

    an come to aust. its an awsome country :)

  4. i've had enough of school too, i'm only in year 9 and i live in Australia, Wollongong. There is suposedly a new law coming out about that i think at least thats what our deputy said. But my sister is in year 11 and she seems to be handeling it fine and i plan to go through too because these days to get a good job you need your HSC. Oh if you do move over here keep one place in mind KIAMA by far the nicest place here.

  5. Relax you will not have to attend a Australian school, and I think you will love Australia once you are here and settled down and meet new friends

  6. In Australia, you must stay at school until you turn 15 (current law - this may change in the future) but after that, it's up to you. The thing you need to take into account though, is that most kids in Australia stay until the end of year 12 (when they're 17 or sometimes 18) and you will be competing for jobs with those better educated people. If you only want to work in a dress shop or fast food, that's OK, but if you have any higher ambitions, you may be wise to stay on for another couple of years.

    It's not so bad. Most people have a great time at school once they get to your age. A change is as good as holiday as they say - the two years will probably seem like no time at all in a new environment.

  7. nope thats compleetly untrue. my close friends have dropped out at 15 and 16. i would recommend atleast spending a term at a school n see if you liek it because school is alot different here then over there. also if you do spend a term the school helps you get into TAFE (like uni or college but easier to get into) an apprenticeship (paid employment in your desired career.. sorta like work experience) or a fulltime job.  they work extreemly hard to make sure you dont become a jobless hobo.

    congratz if you do move here its pretty awesomee youll love it ;]

  8. well, i would think you would want to graduate... And i think most people are 18 when they do. But hey i feel ya, i think school is for all the wrong reasons. Its the system, its what everything is based on. They tell you how its supposed to be and your just expected to follow.

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