
Im 16 and my mum doesnt let me sleep in the same bed as my bf?

by Guest65836  |  earlier

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grrrr it so annoyin

she knows we have had s*x and she knows we take precautions so why doesnt she let us, has anyone else had this problem? if so what did u do and what do u suggest i say to my mum 2 make her believe we are sensible and stuff?




  1. Just because she accepts it doesn't mean she has to condone it.

  2. Me 2 its so damm anoying me and my Bf dont lay in the same bed unless were home alone..............Ooooo im 16 as welll.Dumm huh?

  3. Well the answer is obvious. She doesn't want you guys having s*x. You're sixteen. When your 18 you can do whatever you want, but at sixteen, you shouldn't even be "Sleeping" with anyone.

    I mean I'm fifteen and can't have boys in my room either. Why do so many teenagers have to sacrifice their virginity?

  4. Oi, gods these people are so annoying. If I hear "omfg you're too young for teh seckz" once more...

    At sixteen you are biologically an adult. This fact was recognized as true up until 1899, when, I don't know, America took a stupid and decided it was ok to treat people who are biologically adults more like five year olds.

    Your mother is probably going along with what all of these others have said. "omfg not teh seckz you'll DIE!" >.> You've already done it and continue to do it, so it's not like she's preventing anything except comfort. You're using protection, you've been together long enough for all of this to make sense. There's no reason for it except her abject paranoia, coupled with the feeling that her house should equal her rules, whether her rules are grounded in sense or arbitrary whims of power. In this case, it's a too-traditional attitude coupled with arbitrary whims of power.

    She has already failed, and is saving herself nothing by earning your ill-will through continuing to fail.

  5. thats because she is a good momther who is probably worried about her teenage daughter getting pregnant, diseases & used by these nasty lil boys who can have s*x & leave u with a ll that stuff2 take care of by yourself. Plus since ur only 16 u wont even be able 2 go 2 doctors appointments on ur own so she wil have2 take time off work 2 help u fix a mistake that could have been avoided. u will thank her in the future.

  6. Dude. Seriously. Your dumb. Dont be having s*x. Your too young and most likely cant support a baby. RESPECT YOUR MOM.

  7. IF you are 16 and having s*x then you, by definition, are not sensible at all.  If she knows you and your boyfriend are having s*x, its probably all she can do to even have him over.

    You need to remember that the only sure fire way to not get pregnant is to not have s*x.   Then look at your lives and decide if raising a family is something that you could do.  IF so, get married and Mom won't have any problems with the two of you sharing a bed.

  8. there is no way that you are going to be able to convince your mom to let you do that at 16.

  9. Tell you something you are way to young to be having sexuall affairs and if a "mistake" happens you are too young to raise another person (baby) think of your well-being first and think what could happen if things went wrong...Too young to support a baby... you shoul also watch out about your best friend why would he wan't to sleep in you room let alone your should stop and are only 16 remeber that....

  10. Duh!

    I am surprised she hasn't taken far more action.

  11. because she doesnt want  you too get hurt

    parents do things because they love there

    child and at your age you shouldnt having  s*x you

    may use comdoms but they dont always

    work  and having a baby at this age is stupid dont get your self pregnant  at least finish yr 10

  12. It's your parents house so their rules.  I wasn't allowed to sleep in the same bed with my college bf when I came home to visit, so i don't think your mom is being unreasonable at all.

  13. If you are sexually active at 16...what makes you think you are sensible?

  14. I'm 19 and my boyfriend (21) isn't allowed to sleep in my bed.

    When we go visit his parents, we aren't even allowed to sleep in the same room, even if it was me on the couch and him on an air mattress.

    If you're living in your parent's house, you have to respect their rules.

  15. Are you retarded? Unless she is begging to be a grandmother she isn't gonna let you sleep in the same bed. God, get a freaking clue.

  16. I agree with your mom that is the best protection out there

  17. wow. of course she's not going to let you sleep in the same bed as him. you're only 16. she's being sensible, & a good parent.

  18. You shouldn't anyway until you guys are married

  19. It doesn't matter that she knows you are having s*x, she probably feels a little uncomfortable knowing you are sleeping in the same bed and COULD have s*x. When I was 18 I went on a trip with my family and my fiance came with us and my mom made me sleep in her bed so I couldn't sleep in the same bed as him.

    (And don't say that I should have said I was an adult and could do what I want. My parents paid my way through college. No way I want to burn down any bridges)

    I'm curious though....if you are 16 what situation would possibly involve you sharing a bed with your bf with your mom knowing? Does he live with you?

  20. honey, I was 21 and pregnant and still shocked that she let me and my BF nap on her bed with the door open. I have 3 kids and I am married and I don't know that she will admit to knowing that I ahve had s*x more than 3 times.

  21. She is so unfair not to let you get your brains banged out in your own bedroom while she is supporting you and trying to provide a home for your sorry little ***. If I were you I'd shut the f**k- up get a summer job and try to keep your sorry little *** from getting knocked up and finish high school.

  22. Parents have a duty to keep their kids from making mistakes and for you to get pregnant no matter how careful you try to be it can happen is her duty to prevent it.  Try to see it from her side, what would you do if you were the mother and she was the daughter and don't tell me let her because we know that is bull.

  23. She obviously doesn't want you having s*x or getting pregnant. She's trying to protect you. I'm 18 and I'm not allowed to have boys in my room.

  24. Your 16, and your not going to like my answer.  I believe your Mom is correct in refusing to let you sleep in the same bed.  She may be aware that your having s*x, and she may have made sure your know how to protect yourself and have safe s*x, but that doesn't mean she has to like it.  It's her house, her rules, and your still a minor.  If she says no, that means no and you need to respect her for it.  I have a 16 year old daughter and I wouldn't allow it either.  I don't want to be a Grandma anytime soon and NOTHING is 100% full proof.  It could still happen, and by allowing it to happen in her home is like telling you to go right ahead and flush your life away.  You are acting like an adult by having s*x, so be an adult and respect your Mother and her rules.

  25. As much as it annoys you, it's her house and the adult thing to do is to respect her wishes. Just because she knows you are sexually active doesn't mean she approves and as she pays the bills, she makes the rules. If this means no s*x under her roof then that is her choice. She has a right to make it. You'll make similar choices for your home and your own children one day.

    Believe it or not, she's not doing it purely to irritate you, she's doing it because she loves you and wants to stop you making life changing mistakes, which do happen even when taking precautions.

    If you want her to treat you like an adult, you have to act like one and the best way to show her you are responsible is to accept her decisions for her home, just as you would expect someone to respect your own home once you have one.

    Obviously, you aren't going to like any of these answers because they go against what you want to do but take a minute and think how many people have the same viewpoint. Maybe there's some truth in it if everybody feels the same way? food for thought...

  26. its a good thing she doesnt shes obviously being a good mother

  27. PRECAUTIONS MY A**. Sweetie she doesnt want you to get f**king pregnant..... ok geeze thats basically what happends when you sleep with your man.. THERE ARE NO PRECAUTIONS IN s*x BESIDES A D*** CONDOM JESUS MAN ARE YOU CRAZY?



    REALITY CHECK SWEETIE THE TEEN PREGNACY RATE IS HUGE (including me (15) 2mnth old bby)

  28. I'm 15 and thank God that I've never had s*x, my mom would kill me if she ever found out. You're 16 how the frigg would you expect your mom to allow u to sleep with ur boyfriend? My parents would not let me sleep over at a boys house further more in his bed.

  29. first of all, i can't believer you're having s*x at 16!!! that is waaaay to young.  secondly, your mom knows you've had s*x? come on.

    just because you're having s*x doesn't mean you are mature.  i agree with your mom in this case.

  30. I am guessing that your mother doesnt aprove of you shagging some boy... and certinally doesnt want to condone it... or listen to it in the next room


  31. OMG she doesnt let u!? wow shes terrible! bout ur 16 u shouldnt even be having sleep overs, let alone the same bed. even if ur careful it doesnt mean a baby cant be made, im 21 and i was on the pill and i still got pregnant, so precations dont garentee anything, and if i could talk to ur mom i would tell her good job, now try not to let them ever be alone long enough to get naked and s***w, ur too young. wait till uve moved out and u pay the bills to have ur BF sleep over, its more fun then any way

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