
Im 16 and need a job, got any gd ideas 4 a first job?

by  |  earlier

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Im from Australia, not London




  1. I got my first part time job when I was 16. I got a job working in a cafe every Saturday morning.

    Make yourself a CV and try and work out what experience you have (for example I had already done two days work experience in a cafe and waitressed at parties).

    Also put your interests and what qualifications you have or are working towards currently (e.g. I put: expecting 9 GCSE grades B - A* before I had finished my GCSEs) This might help:

    Also go into shops nearby you and give them your CV, ask if they have any vacancies and be confident - smile :)

    I also got a job looking after some kids twice a week for about 5 hours a week altogether. I still have that job now (I'm 17). I get paid £48 a week because I have to pick them up, help them with their homework and make them a meal. I think this is a really good job. You should check out local primary schools and advertise your childminding services in school magazines/ letters etc.

    Lastly, get some babysitting (also look in primary schools for this). I babysit about once a week and get at least £15 or £20 at a time, which is really good. Do you have any younger brothers and sisters? If you do then give babysitting cards (which should contain your age, a bit about your experience and your phone numbers) to their mums.

    I hope I have helped! Good luck :)


  2. shoemaker, choose ur ideal job

  3. Maybe shelf packer at coles,trainee hair dresser, vetinarian assistant,child care assistant etc etc

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