
Im 16 and really want to start an acting career. the only problem is that i live in camden arkansas. how?

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such as how to start, what should i do? i am taking acting cources in school and participate in all school plays. i am planning on going to college and study theater but i want to act seriously!




  1. First of all, calm down. If you're serious you have a lifetime ahead of you, there's no hurry. Besides, there are nowhere near enough parts for girls under the age of 30 to go around, it's gonna be tough. Continue taking as many classes as you can, get involved in every production you can get your hands on, be it on stage, as a techie, mopping the floor after, whatever. Introduce yourself to people and SUCK UP. You don't have to be shameless, but the more people you know the easier it will be, especially if you show a willingness.

    Go to college and study theater. If you CAN get into a conservatory like Juliard, DePaul, or Carnegie-Melon, but don't be discouraged if you don't, they're EXTREMELY competitive. Otherwise try to go to a school that has a Bachelor of Fine Arts. And I'm sure you'll know this by the time you graduate, but, get an agent.

    There's nothing wrong with Camden, Arkansas

    Four Important Rules:

    1. Get an agent

    2. Introduce yourself to everyone you can at every production you can manage to be a part of

    3. Work hard at it

    4. Expect rejection.

  2. that good that your getting experience in acting because that is an important part of acting. first you need to get an agent. even if it isnt in arkansas. you need to send the agent a headshot, a resume, and a cover letter saying that you want to be an actor and you wanted them to represent you. then just continue in your school plays also get into community theatre if you have one because that way you will meet a lot more people and when you start meeting people it gets easier to find jobs.

  3. As an artist myself I strongly believe the best advice I can give is, "If you want to support the theater, dont become and actor, become an audience!"

    But as I was gung-ho at 16 let me say this.  There are many good theater departments, find one that you have the grades and SAT, firstly, to be accepted into. Then, of that list, pick the ones you can afford.  Then apply!  

    Apply early so that you have time to find alternatives should you find your not accepted to your first choices.

    Great schools are:

    Northwestern University's Theater Department

    graduates include more famous actors than any other school (David Shwimmer-Friends, Julia-Louis Dryfus-Sienfeld, Anne Margret, etc.........)

    New York University-Tisch School of Performing Arts

    And on the Cheap but high quality

    Florida State University

    which is the arts university of Florida

    and has the Film Conservatory at Florida State which was founded by Bert Renolds and already has racked up more awards than imaginable!!  

    The point being, if you go there it's cheap, high quality, theater is great and you might find work in student films at one of the world's finest film conservatories-ie exposure.  Also Florida has film studios, Sarasota,Fl is an arts mecca and Disney always needs actors.

  4. Begin by doing as much acting and performing as you can possibly can. And start reading from the classic acting books, learn the different methods, techniques, etc. Learn about the business of entertainment. Get educated and be well-rounded in all things. Study psychology and human behavior, and learn to observe everyone around you. Be an open student to life, and learn to be generous and open.

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