
Im 16 and thinking about going on the pill...

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I actaully have 3 questions :)

Oh, and if it helps I live in California.

1. I have medical would I need to show planned parenthood I have it?

2. If so do your parents find out? Or can it be kept confidential?

3. On day the day of your appointment what do they usually ask you, and do you recive the pill ON the day?

Thanks, and please if your just going to be one of those people that is going to say "no s*x is safer" or "your too young" please just go on to a different question, I don't want to be mean, but I don't want answers like that. I want REAL answers so if you REALLY know please answer, once again thanks in advance.




  1. hi,

    as long as ur 16 u have the right to confidentiality because u r over the legal age to have s*x, and also the pill is ALOT of money and is not always promised to work, i have changed pulls about 12 times and it has cost me a fortune

  2. 1. At planned parenthood? No.

    2. They do not contact your parents.

    3. As far as I know, yes. I am not sure, however, as I have never been to planned parenthood. I jus

    Ah, to be sixteen and think you know everything again.

    By the way, I think you should be able to determine between there, they're and their before you even think of opening your legs up.

  3. I don't really know how planned parenthood works, but I can tell you what happened when I went on the pill. They just asked me if I was sexually active, how my periods were, like did I get bad cramps or a really heavy flow. Basically I think they try to determine your hormones to see what kind of pill would be best for you, and they did a pelvic exam too, just to make sure everything was ok. (the pelvic isn't a big deal, it's just annoying and embarrassing). I got my prescription that day, but I had to wait until the end of my next period before I could start taking it.  

  4. sorry this isn't really answering your questions but i thought you'd like to know I'm 16 as well and i am on birth control but when I do have s*x it's better to use like a back up method too such as condoms spermicides etc. and be sure not to miss any pills it can put you at risk for getting pregnant even if u make up for it depending on how many you miss

  5. I started birth control when I was 16 as well, but my mom took me to go get it. I went to my personal gynecologist & she prescribed it. I'm not sure how things work in California or with Planned Parenthood, but from what I understand about insurance is that it will show up somehow. I'm not sure on all that. You can always go into Planned Parenthood & ask them how they do things. As for the questions they ask, it's pretty much what you would expect.

    Examples: Are you sexually active?

    Why do you want to be on birth control?

    Do you understand the side effects? (& then they explain the side effects)

    Do you have any questions?

    Some places get more personal than others & ALL places should tell you that it doesn't protect against STD's, blah blah blah.

    At my doctor, she gave me pills right there & then & told me when to start them. & also gave me my perscription. But that is because she has the "sample" packs (which is just a normal pack but the doctors have tons), but like I've said I'm not how Planned Parenthood does things.

    You can always go in & ask your questions & then decide if you want to give information to do everything. Your parents can't find out if you ask questions unless someone see's you there. It's always best to ask questions to the professionals.

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