
Im 16 ! help one week after s*x

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on wednesday (7 days ago) me and my bf were messin around and he was inside me without a condom on, he only went in a couple of times and he was still hard when he came out, he isnt sure whether he came or pre came ( can guys tell the difference?)

how big is the risk i could be pregnant? like in percentage?

on the day in question we worked out that i was ovulating

if i am pregnant what should i be feeling today 7 days after?

please help we are both 16 and dont have a clue what to do!

today and last night i was havin pain in my stomach and my period isnt due for a couple of weeks

it was on my left side of my adominal and now its kinda on my right i woke up this morning with it a quite sharp pain on the right but it kinda subsides thru the day and now its only mild, i also had it last night on the left, could this be implantation?

also i had s*x yesterday if i was pregnant would this have affected the pregnancy ?

the pain in my stomach is like a pulling pain its worse when i stan




  1. The chances are small that you are pregnant if he only went in a few times.. And after 8 days you wouldnt really feel any different if you were pregnant just wait untill your next period is due and if you are late take a test.

    The pains you are gettin could be something else but you may be paranoid so are thinking its the fact you are pregnant.

    No point worrying untill you are sure but from now on use a condom:) x

  2. Yes, you could definitely be pregnant, and every person's body is different in picking up symptoms.  But you could also be thinking yourself into pregnancy symptoms since you are worrying about it.  I have done that a few times.  Thought I felt pregnant, and wasn't.  Most likely if you were to take a HPT today, it would show negative.  If you NEED to know, call your doctor and ask for a blood test.  Those can pick up the pregnancy hormone 5 days after conception.  And s*x "shouldn't" harm a pregnancy, but again, every woman is different.  I had a baby at 16, so if you are pregnant and ever need to talk, you can email or IM me anytime.

  3. WoW... Well, yes, guys know when they get off, sorry, but thats called an o****m.... And i would wait out till you get your expected period, or go to a planned parenthood or clinic and get a test done, not sure how well they'll be able to tell so early after s*x. WRAP IT UP GIRL!!, Or get some birth control!! Good Luck!

  4. you very well could be any time you have unprocted s*x,, and yes guys know when then fully get off,, and you can feel there p***s flex and it come out. and pre*** can get you prego to,, there is no safe with out condom s*x,, dont believe pulling out wont increase those chances. what your feeling very well could be that,, but its way to early to say, if you dont normally have period cramps 2 weeks before your period theres a good chance..  it will be hard to get through the rest of the month, cant test till you miss a period,,

    i know your very young and say you dont know what to do,, best thing is look up everything you can so you know what you want to do if you are, best of luck

  5. This early you would not be able to tell if you were pregnant. Wait until you have missed a period and take a pregnancy test. The pains on the side could be you ovulating since you said you were due for that. Most times women don't notice it because they just aren't thinking about it. However, many times there is a cramp that goes along with ovulation.

      Just because when you had s*x was the time that most women ovulate also doesn't mean you did it exactly on the day you are suppose to ovulate. Various things cause delays in ovulation and it could have been that you were not ovulating at the time of intercourse.

    If he put his p***s in you, you could be pregnant. Pre-ejaculate is nothing he would feel. It just seeps out in the lubrication at the tip of the p***s when he is excited. It contains sperm and can cause pregnancy.

    The only way to tell for sure is to take a pregnancy test. If you use a urine test, follow the directions EXACTLY. Also, use the first morning urine. Be aware that false negatives are more likely to happen than a false positive. If you get a positive result, you are pregnant. If you get a negative result, you may need to test a little later to see if you are still negative.

  6. I feel real sorry 4 u. Your 16. What in the world r u doing having s*x at this age? Would you tell ur parents what ur doing? A stupid desicion on ur part, also u did it AGAIN yesterday. Your are most likely pregnant. But the sad part is you couldn't even bother to use protection. Now if you are pregnant so be it. Take respondibitly 4 ur actions. I hope u and ur bf do last because u gave the precious gift away. You probably r pregnant, but to know 4 sure take a pregancey test. I wish you the best, and in life make wiser choices. Good Luck.

    *edit* one more thing I saw your other questions it seems that you really DO want to be pregnant. Another stupid descion, if your parents approve of this desicon then thats diffrent but no your rushing into things to fast!

    Be the teenager you are! get out of high school first go to colledge get a house of your own THEN have a baby. Right now I'm pretty sure your under ur parents roof right now. So take it slow. No need to rush life.

  7. i'd say that there is at least a 50 percent chance that you are pregnant.

  8. yes guys def know when they get off trust me.. they dont know when they pre *** or anything but yes you can def get pregnant from pre *** cause ii did at 17... if you do get pregnant DONT abort it please its wrong in so many ways.. you should wait a lil bit and take a pregnancy test.. it dont matter if he only went in you a couple times sweetie it happens so easy trust me lol.. but ii hope everything works out whatever happens, just try to be safer next time.. good luck : )


  9. Hey. I would say that you're just experiencing pain from the s*x itself and not from being pregnant. i think that it is too early to tell and maybe you should just wait until your cycle date has came before you jump to conclusions.Also men know when they ***...But the real question/ statement would be, why would you do it again if you're already worried and in pain. I agree with the other people.You are too young and you have so much more in life waiting on you. Just chill you only have that one body don't ruin it over someone that can't afford to take care of it yet.Please take my advise save your self , I wish someone would've told me. GOOD LUCK!!!

  10. Most definitely you could be pregnant.  You may notice body changes such as your b*****s getting very sensitive or tingly.  The question is, are you trying to get pregnant?

    You can email me if you want....

  11. I'm sorry but it really angers me to read questions like this. Do you have any idea how serious it is to have a baby??????? And yet still you dont care, you just carry on as if it could never happen to you.

    As for your man not knowing wether he came or not then he's lieing. It doesnt matter anyway, sperm and pre-come can make you pregnant.

    If you are pregnant then I good luck as you're going to need it. If your not then for c**p sake learn some sense.

  12. no i dont think your pregnant.and yes a  male can tell if he camed or not, if he cant he is the most dumbest male on earth. call your doctor if you are really concerned.

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