
Im 16 ive been a vegetarian for 2 years how can i go back into eating meat i cry when i just think abouit it?

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please dont say just dont eat the meat to me its just easier looking at my whole life if i eat mean thanks




  1. I don't know why you want to go back meat, you said 'don't say eat the meat' so I'm going to give you as best an answer I can on this.

    I can tell you right now, if it is that hard for you thinking about it, it is not going to be easy doing it. Try with small things, such as lasagna or something, which is meat, but not all meaty and what not. A hamburger or taco with alot of fixings, canned pastas with meat, small portions of fish with a larger portion of sides, you get the idea?

    But, don't believe Kelly K's statement about feeling good about free range and organic meat living a humane and cruelty free life, not being raised in a factory for food, because that is a lie. The only difference is that organic chickens aren't stuffed with hormones and drugs, just thought you'd wanna know

    Good luck with the whole transition thing

  2. Big fat homemade (to your liking) hamburger




  3. This is an emotional issue;-{ that you need to get over.

    We humans evolved to be omnivors, it's in our genes.

    That is indicated by our different teeth shapes.

    Our binocular vision means that we're hunters.

    Prey animals have greater peripheral vision.

    That does not mean we cannot work for humane treatment.

    But obviously, we are meant to be on top of the food chain.

  4. Maybe you don't have to go back to eating meat everyday. Try only have a little bit of meat one meal a day. You could also still keep red meat out of your diet and just eat poultry and seafood (if you want). You could buy organic meat (which is animals that weren't torchered)

    Just remember just because you are going back to eating meat doesn't mean you have to go back to how you were.

    Just remember don't eat at kfc even if you are eating meat. I still wouldn't buy real leather and fur either.

  5. Question: Why do you want to go back to eating meat if even the thought of it makes you cry?

    If this was brought on by someone else and your only trying to impress them, those people aren't worth your time!

  6. In all of my 51 years on this planet, I have never seen a healthy looking vegetarian. Try to find something with meat in it that you can eat and go from there. The crying is just a conditioned response caused by your peers. Let them eat the poor vegetables, and listen to the broccoli scream.

  7. I understand your dilemma; I've been a vegetarian for two years, but when I study abroad in Peru next semester, it will be next to impossible for me to maintain a vegetarian diet.

    I would suggest eating organic, free-range, chemical and hormone free meat. That way you'll at least know that the animals were not grown in a factory just to be eaten, but enjoyed a humane life.

    Also, being mindful of what meat your eating might help as well. Stay away from grazzing animals such as cows and over-harvested fish to minimize the environmental impact. Poultry would probably be your best bet.

    Any way you do it, it's going to be a major change for you. You should reflect on your reasons for becoming a vegetarian in the first place, and do what you can to maintain those values and ideals in other aspects of your lifestyle.

  8. I am confused why is it that you want to eat meat again?

  9. Why would you want to eat food that makes you cry?  I have been vegetarian since I was 16 and I don't look back at my whole adult life (I'm 38) and dwell on how hard it has been to be a vegetarian.  Maybe it would have been "easier" to be able to pick up a snack any old place, but that kind of convenience isn't worth sacrificing my principles for.  Sorry, I just don't know how someone who feels strongly about it can go back to eating meat.

  10. Easier? So what?! How many of us do you think chose to eat go vegetarian because it was easier?

    Why would you eat meat when you don't want to? I find that silly. If it makes you cry then you obviously care about animals and changing you diet back to omnivore, can severely harm the cause.

    Being a vegan can be, straight and simple, a pain in the @rse some times. Poor me.

    Regardless of how awkward it can be, I do it because it's the right thing to do.

    P.S. There is no food chain.

  11. If it makes you cry to think about eating meat, then it sounds like you don't really want to eat it in the first place. Ask yourself why you became veg. Sometimes the path less traveled is the one we should take, even if it may be a little bumpier. You've already been veg for 2 years, so why give up now, especially when it upsets you so much. If it's about family and/or peer pressure, just shake iit off with a smile and know you are doing an awesome thing for yourself, the animals, and the envronment. Don't sell out your beliefs just because it may make your life "easier." Hang in there and ride it out. You'll most likely regret it if you don't. Good luck to you!

  12. i'm 16 too, been vegetarian for 4 years now. believe me, as time goes on it will get much easier and you won't even have to think about it. and think about the animals you are saving. if you really care about them it would be selfish to go back.

  13. Try to find out why you became vegetarian in the first place. List the reasons in two categories - 1)very profound reason to do so, 2) it was just experimental or all around you did it.

         Ponder over each, see if you can cross off that reason from your list. The remaining balance will guide your way through.

  14. your still young and you need some protien. Your on the right track. try hiding meat into an omelette or like a soup. Just try to think,  it's the circle of life.

  15. Well if you're bloody crying about it, don't even consider it, what a stupid question.

  16. Try tofu, it's like preparing chicken, very versatile and full of goodness.

  17. Try starting with fish and poultry and slowly work your way through adding meat back into your diet. As with any major change, you need to go slow, and not just jump in cold turkey. You say it will be easier if you eat meat, but realistically, anything that causes you the level of mental anguish you are feeling is not going to be easy. So, perhaps you should speak to a counselor of sorts to also help.

  18. Okay, want to eat meat again?  I didn't quite understand the question.

    I was vegetarian for 2 years.  I started eating meat again.

    You don't have to eat JUST meat all day long.  If you want to eat it, eat it...just don't eat a ton of it.

    Humans are omnivores.  Your body was built to eat SOME meat.

  19. I am a former chef and now a lacto-ovo vegetarian and have been for 5 years due to my health issues, and digestive problems, and I would say start by weening yourself not back to meat but other forms of protein, cheese, eggs and some fish, canned tuna or canned meats like turkey or chicken chunks.

    Start slow to build up your ability to digest these products again, but still included a healthy dose of veggies, whole grain breads, pastas and other things like beans, lentils and other starches like potatos and rice, make it a gradual transition and then if you decide to return to a all vegetarian diet it will not be a shock to your system, I had some problems and I am a diabetic to so I need to keep the blood sugar in a safe area.

  20. Just Eat the meat snd don't think about it there will be another 1 of them animals to take their place!!

    Thanks for the 2 points!

  21. Either don't think about it and eat it, or don't eat it, being a vegetarian is probably better for your health anyway.

  22. I have no idea.  It's your choice.  Either you want to or you don't.  Why do you want to ?

  23. You sound confused. Why would you wan tot eat dead abused animals? I would never eat dead animals, unless I have nothing else to eat. but that is not the case in your situation, cause if you can afford meat, you can d**n well afford healthy grains, beans, vegetable and nuts!

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