
Im 16 years old and I play video games?

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Im 16 years old and I play video games?

Well, im sixteen year old guy, My conscience is telling me to stop playing video games because my mind/conscience is telling me its childish and A young man should start acting and thinking like a man.

What do you think of my conscience?

What should I do? Do you think i should start planning my life now? (e.g. job, wife, job)




  1. Will you calm down! You are still so young! Carry on playing video games for as long as you like, and worry about the bigger things of the future when you actually need to! Job, wife, etc. is a long way away for you for the moment! Enjoy your youth!

  2. your 16 enjoy being a kid for as long as you can soon enough you will be an adult and dealing with life as an adult and you will miss your younger days. My son is now 19 and he played videos and still occasionally dose once and a while, he has a great job, nice girl friend and is planning his life as it go's along. Enjoy your teen years and have fun, also you can think about what you want to do when you graduate and if you want a part time job that is fine too but dont worry about playing videos your still a kid

  3. Why would you wanna stop cause you're 16? As long as you do what you have to do there's nothing wrong with playing video games into late late ages.

  4. man....i am older, i play games, actually i must say i worked when i was younger in GAME stores and alot of gamers are OLD!!! like i had old men coming in that gamed, game for life mate!!! not just for kids trust me, there are alot of games out there which are 18+ adult based games, get counterstrike you`ll love it hahah :)

    at 16 have a laugh don`t worry about a wife have fun

    sure get a job though, i mean check something out part time even to get you started in life some pocket money for ya at the weekend or to buy more games!

  5. I'm 16 years old and I don't play video games, but I can swear that all of my 22 class-mates still play them. So, you see that you are not the only one and it's normal. It's very likely that you'll get fed up with them one day. And you don't need to start "planning" your life now.  

  6. I don't think so? you're still a teenager.. you're still young... you don't have to plan ahead... it's you're life... if you enjoy playing video games, then why stop playing? I'm already 18 and I still enjoy playing video games... it's not being childish... it's really just a form of amusement and relaxation... so, don't  worry okay?  

  7. There's nothing wrong with video games as long as they're not taking over your life.  You still do your homework? Hang out with friends?  Play sports?

    At 16 you could probably do with a part time job and yes you should be at least starting to consider what you're going to do with yourself after high school.  That doesn't mean that you have to completely give up the vids though.  They're a good form of relaxation as long as they're not the top priority in your life.

  8. Yeah maybe you should get a job but I am 19, my boyfriend is 23 and my flatmate is nearly 20 and we all love playing video games!

    They are fun :)

  9. I don't see how the two have to be mutually exclusive...

    Why can't you plan your life, and play video games ?

    I'm 30 and I play video games by the way... Never got in my way for my career, social life.

  10. It is time to start thinking about your future and getting pro-active - a good way of thinking about your life now is "striving to keep as many doors open as possible". That said, there is nothing wrong with playing video games at any age, so long as it is all in moderation.

  11. I'm 44 and play video games.

    You can do all the things you plan to do in your life and still be a gamer.  Of course, you have to balance things out and make sure gaming doesn't interfere with your studies, personal life, etc.

    btw, I now work for a company that makes video games.  How cool is that?  All that time spent playing video games paid off for me!

  12. Video games are a waste of time, but I wouldn't try to plan your life too much. It doesn't seem to work that well.

    There's a good joke.

    How do you make God laugh?

    Tell him your plans.

    Just work at what interests you, get good at it and see where it leads.

    (you're still allowed to have fun as well though, even adults have fun.)

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