
Im 17, should i join the marines?

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marines are the proudest & the best and i want to be part of it. what do you think




  1. YES

    if that is what you want to do...

    good luck

  2. Yes. At 17, you will need an adult guardian to co-sign for you.  

  3. I think its up to you and what I think should and does not matter...

  4. Where are you getting these facts that they are the best? Do you even know what you're asking? Should you join the marines? That's not something I or anyone on here can decide. When you sign on the dotted line, you are signing your life away. When you raise your right hand and swear in there's no turning back. Believe me, I did it last week.(navy) That's a decision you need to think about. Don't just join because you've seen their commercials and think you're going to get a bunch of girls around you.

    What are you interested in doing in the marines? Infantry? Tanks?

    If you do join and do make it through boot camp you will be part of a brotherhood. Good luck with your choice. The military takes guts and it's not for everyone.

  5. h**l yer dude im in the NAVY myself in the spc ops

    best thing i have ever done.

    plus the pay is great. lol

    best time of my life has been now.

    just be strong. dont listen 2 anti war "people"

    and serve your country proud..  

  6. I joined the Army National Guard when I was 17.  The benefits are I completed my service time about the same time I graduated college.  I also thought that if I had stayed in for 20 years for retirement, that I could get out when I was 37.

    The draw backs included not being able to s***w around as much in college, and professors not giving you a break just because you have a weekend drill.

    Overall, it worked very well for me.

  7. If that's what you want, go for it! The Air Force has a better quality of life, in my opinion, though.

  8. Being a Marine myself, I think that you really need to ask yourself that question and think hard about it. During those times you're at bootcamp, then MCT and on to your MOS school, things are going to be tough and confusing and you are the only one that's going to be able to get you through. Being a Marine is all about heart, if you have it you'll do well, but if that's not where your heart is you WILL fail.

  9. First ask yourself why you are thinking of joining the Marines, it is a four year commitment and the lifestyle is rough, the Airforce will treat you way better unless you are one of the few on a nice embassy duty station. If your reasons are nothing less then actually wanting to be a Marine then go Airforce or Coast Guard.

  10. Certainly....go man go!

  11. You should research all of the services and decide which one best fits your interests.

  12. Only you can answer that question, but if  you decide to, i pretty sure that all of America will support you. Good luck  

  13. h**l yeah

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