
Im 17 and I lost my left index finger in a bar brawl last week, Should I break the news to my mom, if so, how?

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I have a fake ID, went to the bar, and got super trashed. All of the sudden chairs were flying and people were throwing punches. I remember getting punched in the forehead, and then swinging punches afterwards.

After that I just kinda blacked out and woke up behind the bar with my finger missing. I think my mom is going to eventually find out that my finger is missing.

So what should I do? Can anyone help me lie to her as to what happened?




  1. WTF! Dude, you are in a messed up situaution, you are way too young to be in  bar and you got your finger cut off. You be in the hospital(wouldn't be on the computer typing this) and there is know way in h**l she didn't find out.

  2. umm the greeter from walmart took his anger out on me?  But hey I got a smiley face sticker for my troubles!

  3. wtf. just tell her shes going to find out any way. be like hey mom i got a funny story... i went to the bar the other night and i kindaaaaaaaaaaa lost my finger. then quickly change the story

  4. 1-  never go ring shopping with her

    2-  do not trace your hand for one of those Thanksgiving day turkey cards

    3- do not give any one the finger with her around

    4- wear gloves as much as possible,  Micheal Jackson did it, so can you

    5-  blame it on a neighbors dog, maybe a pit bull around?

    6-  if she stills questions it, tell her you never had one, she must be confusing you with some one else

  5. I would just tell her...she's your mom!! She's one of the only people who will ever forgive you for doing something stupid!!!!!!! But if you want to lie tell her that these gangsters saw you [if ur white you can use that as an excuse HAHA or just say they were bored] they started talking c**p and you didn't wanna seem like a pvssy so you talked c**p back and you got jumped...they cut your finger off to teach you a lesson of talking back and now you'll never talk back even to your own mother =]

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