
Im 17 and just found out im pregnant should i keep the baby?

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my mum and sisters are very supportive of whatever decision i make, the father is my boyfriend of just one month and he begs me to terminate the baby. im not in school and i have no job. i dont know that im doing with my life and im very confused. please help me, should i keep the baby?




  1. Adoption, Abortion keeping it the choice is your don't listen to anybody only you know what is best for you and that baby you are carriying

  2. Keep it. At least give it up for adoption so someone else can take good care of it. I'm glad your mom is supportive though.

  3. PLEASE KEEP THE BABY don't kill anInnocentt child its not his or her fault plz dnt listen to ur bf bcuz at the end u may regrate if u listen to him  

  4. Keep it or give it up for adoption, but please don't kill an innocent baby!

  5. In my opinion--keep it.

    It may help you find a direction for your life. s***w what your boyfriend says. He obviously isn't mature enough to help you at all, and doesn't want to. Honestly, I'm all for "you made your bed now lay in it" (not meaning any offence) And even if you don't want to keep it for yourself, there is always adoption. There are many people that would love to pay your medical expenses if you were to let them adopt your baby. A lot of infertile people that want kids and can't physically have them. Best of Luck in your decision, and let us know what you decide?

  6. maybe this is what your meant to do with your a mommy. make sh*t happen....your a young lady now and you have to get smart soon. this should keep you motivated.

  7. well first what ever you do in the end it is up to you.  if you know in your heart that you can't take care of this baby but your mom is welling to then let her do so but if not don't kill the baby there are many people out the that will be will to take your baby in and love and care for your baby. and you still can have contact with you people of your choice and see your baby grow and still be in your child life  

  8. If you have a support system then i would say yes you should. Perhaps enrol in a online course while your pregnant. Once bub comes along perhaps your mum could help you out with baby sitting occasionally so you can work a few hours

  9. I think it would be best if You got rid of the fetus.

    its only going to be hard for ur self and ur boyfriend wont stick around.

    u need a job to support a baby.

  10. Only you can make that decision.  It sounds like you will have your family's support, but not your boyfriends.  It is not his choice though, so if you don't want an abortion, then don't have one.  Chances are he would not stay around anyways, and you could end up resenting him if you went through with an abortion you only did for him.

    You need to seriously consider all your options, and make a plan.  Maybe see a counsellor to talk things through.

    Good luck :)

  11. I think its best that you terminated the baby.

    the father obviously isnt ready to become a father.

    you have no job so that means no income for the future.

    i assume that the father is also around ur age.

    both ur lives are just starting off and u do not need to start another one at this point.

    is the father employed?

    if the father was employed with a steady income i would consider keeping the baby.

    but if not. its too early.

    the baby will have a hard life growing up with a mother and a father who will be constantly struggling to make ends meet.

    I believe u should terminate, it is the best option for both u and the father.

    get ur life on the right track. get a career and  get MARRIED!

    then consider having children.

    the right decision is one that is obvious.

    i hope that you do choose the right decision.  for you, ur boyfriend. and ultimately for the fetus.

  12. If you want to have the baby then you should, do some online classes or get a GED, and get a part time job and make sure you have plenty of support from atleast your Mom or someone. If your boyfriend doesn't want any part of it, then just remove him from your life. He cannot make the decision for you.

    If you want, you could even put the baby up for adoption :)

  13. You are plenty old enough to do know how babies are chose to have s* you need to deal with this like the adult you were trying to be by having s*x in the first place. im not trying to be rude its just these questions are passed around ALOT. Just becuase you made a mistake, doesnt mean the baby is a mistake... God doesnt make mistakes! If your Boyfriend is begging you to Murder this baby you should probably drop him... no joke.

    your 17 not in school...y? Get back in school...!

    you dont have to keep the baby... you can put it up for adoption... you have no idea how you would be saving that childs life and what it would mean to them in the long run. no child deserves to be murdered.

    please have the baby and give it up for adoption if you chose not to keep it.

  14. Uh, well i think not. Honestly, i  think that you will eventually come across financial difficulty once you move out and stuff. You don't have a stable relationship with your boyfriend, and seeing as he wants to terminate, he probably isn't ready to be a father. You don't want to raise your kid on your own.... If you don't want to abort, that's fine, but if you do give your kid up for adoption or give it to social services chances are he/she will go through a lot of foster homes and won't have a very happy childhood. I don't think you should listen to people who say no, because god says blablabla because it's ultimately your decision and it's better to  end the fetus' life before it starts suffering. Not that it will, necessarily, but it might, and i don't think that at seventeen you are responsible or mature enough to take care of a child, even though you might be very responsible and mature for your age. Do what's best for you, do what's best for you, but i'd get an abortion.  

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