
Im 17 and my breast is really small. size 34A is also too big for me?plz tell me how to make my breast grow?

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alteast make it full of 34A..plz help me out i will soon be 18 though




  1. Try doing some bench presses. It will also firm up your b*****s.

    For a start, if you don't have dumbbells around the house, fill up 2 empty 8-oz mineral water bottles as substitute. Lie on a bench, back flat, legs about a foot apart and feet flat on the floor.

    Extend or stretch both arms on either side like a cross, shoulder level, with the filled mineral bottles on each hand. Slowly bring them up on top of your chest, arms still stretched out. Then let them go back to original position. Do about 10 reps per variation first. The routine must be slow.

    Variation 1: With stretched arms on either side, shoulder level, bring them up to chest then, while stretched, slowly slide both arms down over your head, still stretched, as far as they can go. Then bring them up over chest again, then back to original position.

    Variation 2: With stretched arms on either side, shoulder level,  slowly slide them to the side of your body, then to the original position, then to the top of your head, then back to original position.

    Variation 3: With stretched arms on either side, fold arms inward towards the chest, then stretch out again.

    Variation 4: With stretched arms over your chest, slide down on top your head, back to original position, then down on your sides of your body.

    You may create other variations by combining above routines; it's really up to you.

    Remember, always do some warm ups first for at least 5 minutes so that your heart rate will achieve the level where calories will start to burn and muscles will start to respond. Do not overdo this exercise, or you will experience muscle burns; do not let your arms touch or rest on any surface of the bench during your routine. Do the routines at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    I hope this will help you. Don't expect some immediate changes because your body has just started building up good muscles. In the end, you will find your b*****s will have grown and are firm. Besides, there is no shortcut to having good, firm b*****s.

    If ever you feel that the weight of your mineral bottles are too easy or too light for you after a week, you may change to 12-oz bottles. Increase weight slowly, according to your capacity.

  2. look me up when your 18.

  3. i dont think there is a way to make them grow. sorry, you could consider surgery but thats unatural. i saw this one thing on tv that had this thing that exercises your muscles to make you grow, but, i think its all just fake.

    i wish i could help more

  4. You can't really unless you want a breast enhancement. I once read it helps if you drink a lot of full fat milk but I don't know if that's true? But you should just be happy with what you have. Boys don't just go for big b***s! x

  5. Unfortunately, not a lot can be done naturally to make ones b*****s bigger.  You can however buy some very good pushup/padded bras.  My sister is a 34 AA and she found some wonderful wonderbras :)  I'm a natural 38C and I also wear wonderbras. They really do work.  Embrace what you have because no matter what size you are men love boobies :)

  6. Try Benefil, its a natural product for making enhancing the size of b*****s. After using it for a month, you would find your breast little bigger and firmer. I have used it and so could assure you that it works. In six months time you should have your desired size. Your other option is to go for a breast surgery which is very expensive but does make the b*****s look bigger.

  7. You can exfoliate with a milk based exfoliating product, there are lots out there. - exfoliate your b*****s that is.

  8. I used to be jealous of my sisters big b***s. She got them early, I was exactly your size when *I* was 18. I used to hate it!

    But, you know what? My sister's chest has had gravity working on it for years while I don't have that problem.

    Plus, after I had my daughter, I grew 3 cup sizes! I'm not saying go have a baby, of course.. but I am saying: GIVE IT TIME! =) All these girls rush out at 18 to get implants and they have no idea that their bodies are still developing.

    You may be done growing bone wise, but you are not done growing as far as body shape. Just relax, enjoy what you have and laugh to yourself know that all those girls you are jealous of now are going to be sagsville in a ten years.

    If its a major issue and you're going to be on birth control anyway, try the Ortho Evera patch, it can cause breast growth (did with me and a few of my friends) Of course consult your doctor and read up on the medication, as it is a drug and can have side effects.

  9. it s in the genes, if you're supposed to have small breast. I guess the only way is to get breast augmentation. or just stuff your bra.  

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