
Im 17 and need some info on navy?

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I am about to be a senior in a week or so and me and my parents have heavily been considering enlisting me into the navy before i turn 18. A recruiter has told me if i sign up now i can be promoted to e-3 after basic(thats the main reason we are considering this now). What are the incentives of joining before you turn 18... are they any different then if u were to just wait? We are going to te recruiter office tomorrow but my parents fear this because they see the recruiter as a used cars sales man, And think they would lie just to get me to join. Any help?




  1. I've been in the navy 3 years now.  When I joined, there was no special incentive to enlist prior to the age of 18 and there probably still isn't.  If there is a special program you are joining to get E-3 after boot camp, it won't make any difference if you join now or after you turn 18.  If it's the nuclear field you are considering, I recommend reconsidering.  I'm a nuclear engineer and I work 70-80 hours a week on an aircraft carrier.  There is little incentive for a nuke to stay in this career and I'd be alot happier doing something else.

  2. Longer DEP time.  If you can talk people into joining, then yes you can get promoted.  E-3 means more money for you sooner.  More money is always a good deal.  Gives you more time for your DEP PQS.  Get that PQS done, pass a test at basic, and you will get E-2 even if no one joins by your referral.

    I will tell you honestly, some recruiters will tell you what you want to hear to get you to join, be it the truth or not.  Others will be honest, but sugar coat what they are telling you.  What you need to do is think about what you want, whats stopping you from getting that, and why its important to you.  You should hear these as questions from the recruiter in one form or another.  

    Did you take the ASVAB as a junior?  If so then the recruiters should be able to give you a general idea on what you qualify for, but they cant promise you a job.  The classifier at MEPS is the only one who can do that.

  3. A lot of jobs offer advanced paygrade when you enlist in them. Nobody should ship to boot camp less than an E-2 due to the professional qualification standards you have a chance to complete while in DEP.

    Your parents cannot enlist you into any service. They will sign a consent form granting you permission to take the physical and give you the decision power to enlist.

    As far as Nuke goes, it depends on the person, my oldest son hated the job but loved the benefits after he got out - my second son is on a carrier and loves being a nuke. The job has some long hours and a few of the people in leadership can be a pain in the butt.

  4. Wait. You will get E-3 just because you're signing early?

    Do you have any JROTC, CAP, or Sea Cadets experience?

    That doesn't sound right, given an enlistement bonus because you are signing early. Either way, you are going to have to finish off your Senior year.

    If you really want to enlist, get into DEP and set it up so you go to boot a week after you graduate.

    And before doing this, make sure to look into the officer side. More pay and better benefits, all it takes is getting your BA.

  5. I went into the Navy as an E-2 bc I was in the DEP for about a year before basic. I passed all the history, etc and my prt before joining but you do have to pass your first test and prt in boot camp to retain it, if you fail either one, you're back to E-1. As for E-3 if you don't have any ROTC or college then that's not going to happen unless you get a couple of ppl recruited as well. You're parents are wise to be skeptical of your recuiter, not all of them are bad but some will do about anything to get an enlistee.

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