
Im 17 and want to lose some belly fat, any advice?

by  |  earlier

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Im 17, 5"10, and about 175 pounds. I've started eating a bit healthier, and am only drinking water, about 6 to 8 glasses a day. I've also started running a couple a miles at least every other night, and am using body by jake's AB Scissor. I can feel my abs getting stronger, but i still need help with losing my belly fat, any advice?




  1. Ab work outs...A LOT of them

    That link is very good and if you have time you can head out to a local gym or maybe to your school gym where the football players work out and you can work on that showed huge improvements on!

  2. keep doing what your doing.

    but i recommendd going to the gym.

    and using their things.

    it takes time.

  3. You can't spot reduce, you have to lose fat all over.  That's done with diet and exercise.

    The ab workout is good, it burns fat and strengthens the muscles, but you won't be able to see the muscles until you burn off the layer of fat on top of them.  Keep doing what you are now and expand your workouts to include other muscle groups.

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