
Im 17 can i buy a car from a dealer???

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Im 17 years old im from CT and i want to buy a car bad especially now that i have the money

I will be going in for my license soon and dont mind paying for insurance if its affordable i found great deals on car but there from dealers not ONE NAME DEALER im talking about a dealer that carries all name brands of cars i dont know what there called but can i just go to the dealer hand him the cash and leave? this will be my first car!

Please only serious answers!




  1. If you got the money you can have the car

  2. im sure if you go to the right dealer and hav a lot of money anything is possible

  3. You are not legally allowed to sign a contract at the age of seventeen, but since you are wanting to buy it outright, I am not sure. I know that you must have a legal drivers license to have a vehicle in your name. I would just have a parent go with me just in case, and have your parent put the car in their name. Then when you turn 18, your parent can sign the car over to you, then the car will be yours.

    I wish you the best of luck!!

  4. I don't think you'd be able to sign for it, or have the title in your name.  Would have to co-own it, which is permissible in some states.

  5. You cant finance, you cant sign a contract. You can however have your parents file the papers under your name. I suggest you look on for a car in your price range. Than consider buying it.

  6. First of all, you have to be 18 for the car to go under your name, it would have to go under your parents name. Secondly, buy a used car because most young drivers get into an accident in their first car. You dont want to spend alot of money and then have it ruined.

  7. Have your parents buy it and just pay them back.

  8. Before you go and waste your money, you need to do some research and find out what kind of car you want.  The people who get suckered are those who don't know what they want and end up buying something they don't want and paid too much for.  There's a reason why people hate used car salespeople.

    It's not all about how cool you're going to look in your car.  It's about how smart you are when you purchased the car.  Is the car a GAS GUZZLER?  Is the car going to be reliable? (Honda/Toyota), Is the car going to cost you extra on car insurance? (sports cars, 2 doors, newer cars will make insurance a lot more expensive).

    It's easy to just hand the money to a car dealership and drive off with a car, but if possible, see if your parents/relatives will help you co-sign for a car, with a credit union.  They call that "cuddle" (CREDIT UNION DIRECT LENDING).  A car dealership will directly check with local credit unions that cuddle and give you better rates than banks.  Stretch out the payments for like 60 months (5 years).  A car loan payment should cost you about $100-$150 a month if you want it to be affordable.  Save your money in ING direct savings account for 3% interest IGN pays you.

    Your car loan will be much lower if someone else co-signs for you.  In this case, you are 17, so you can't sign... but your parents can buy the car and you can pay them.  You can then slowly pay down your car loan.  Just fight the temptation to use up your money.

    You can "buy" the car from your parents at 18, and even have them co-sign for you.

    Also, when you buy a car, the car sticker price might be $12,000.  Don't immediately say you will buy it for $12,000.  Say you will offer $7,000.  They will counter offer $11,000, and you counter offer $8,000.  You get the picture.  Don't get suckered into paying more than you have to.  They will act tough, big and bold, and will say their boss is saying this or that, but don't be intimidated... it's all tactics.  Hold your ground and just walk off if you have to.  There's lots of cars out there.

  9. that's great that you have the money to pay for a car in full!! car payments are such a waste of money. if you were signing a contract with the dealership, being 17 makes the contract null and void.

  10. yeah i'll deal you my hotdog for your hamburger.

  11. Being 17 it's easy to get the c**p told to you by dealers.  They think you know nothing.  Take an adult with you-that way the dealer knows you mean business!  Have a mechanic-even a family friend who knows cars look over the vehichle.  I had one do it for me at 16 and told me not to buy the vehichle cuz he said it had been in an accident.  I seriously couldn't tell.  Being 17 all you want is a vehichle with some independence.  Trust me I'm not much older.  But put some serious thought into it and don't jump on the first thing that comes your way.  Think it through and good luck.

  12. Brian, I'm not a young man and my advice to you may not pass for old newspaper, but don't buy a car from a used car dealer. If you do, the ensuing problems are going to make you love me or hate me. I told each of my young-adult children to buy an inexpensive car (say, $1000 - $1500 ) from a private owner. It may not be fashionable, but it will get you there. Keep it for about a year, learn to drive safely, and learn what it means to take care of a vehicle. If you have accidents or total it, you wouldn't have lost much, and you would have gotten much needed experience. After one year, you can then decide what car you really want. By that time you're a year older, more experienced with vehicles and hopefully you've earned some cash. Sound like a good idea?

  13. at 17, no! You have to be 18 years old before you can buy a car and I think the reason is. The insurance.

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