
Im 17 seriously considering moving to spain and have the full backing of my parents, any help on how to start?

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Im 17 seriously considering moving to spain and have the full backing of my parents, any help on how to start?

How do i apply for temporary residency?

Is it hard to find a job at this age in southern spain?

At this age what would be my best options or general direction when in spain?

How do i go about getting Health Insurance that will cover me in spain?

i need as much help as possible althought im doing alot of reasearch on my own it would be great to hear from people who have acctually done it and could give me some insight on how and when i can do certian things.

Huge thanks to all who answer this question! :)




  1. I have a feeling you have a few misconceptions about coming to live in Spain. If you are from the EU you have a right to be here and to work here. If you are not from the EU then forget any notion about coming here to work legally. THere is not such a thing as temporary residency. You will either be a resident or non resident. The difference between the two may determine what taxation you may have to pay.

    Where are you going to live.....have you qualifications to get a good job. If not you will end up getting nothing because 17 is too young to do bar work.

    Health insurance is easy to get but you will need a job to be able to afford it.

    My feeling is that you have really no idea where you are going with this. I live in Spain. The wages are much less than the UK and unemployment is on the increase.

    You are only 17. Why not wait a few years until you are in a better position financially and then make a decision. I've seen kids come here and end up with nothing.

  2. It´s not hard to find jobs here, but they wont pay much.

    The best to do is to find the embassy telephono number and they will tell you EVERYTHING.

  3. First of all..Why dont think of becoming an exchange student???But i say go for it...Good Luck...

  4. LEGAL jobs are hard to come by.

    I believe Health is covered by the State.

    All things to do with the government are fluid, and the red tape is INCREDIBLY annoying.  Except for one thing is NOT fluid:  work visas are very difficult to come by, especially if you are not EU.  (you don't say, but Americans are having an increasingly difficult time of it).

    Here's a tip.  Especially good for your age.  First, the suggestion of becoming and Exchange student is excellent.  You can use that as a stepping stone to a more permanent situation, and once a resident, I don't think University is at all expensive, so you could go that route, too.  Just get your degree there.   Also, there is the work exchange program.  

    Just plug CIEE into your search window, or your address window.  They are the best overall for exchanges that I know of, and since you put this under Andalucía, and I know they have programs in Seville, and I even know someone who works for them at the Sevilla office, start there.

    If that doesn't work for you, search work abroad programs, and you will find lists of organizations that do the same basic thing.

    These organizations will help you with work visas, job placement and lodging.  They WILL charge some sort of fee (don't know what it is), but you have that shelter, and then you can make connections, and set up something more permanent if you choose.

    Remember that at any age, homesickness can set in, but it passes, and you will have the time of your life if you stick through that...

    ¡Buena Suerte!

  5. You wil need to apply for a work visa.  See site below to see visa requrements, and other info.

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