
Im 17 years old. I was caught stealing R70 of chocolate. Will i Have a criminal record?

by  |  earlier

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I was at the shops, thought it would be cool to take something, so I took chocolates. I’m going to appear in court on Monday. What is the worst that can happen to me? Will I have a permanent criminal offence? How will this affect me in future if I apply for a job or to move overseas?




  1. At 17 you are considered a juvenille and this will go on your juvenille record the day you turn 18 this record is sealed. So to look at this record there would have to be a good reason. What you did was shoplift very stupid but not the end of the world. If you have the money get a lawyer at the least find one who offers a free initial consultation. They will be able to advise you to the best way to handle this situation. The Judge may just make you pay a fine and give you some comunity service. In order to scare you he will probably give you a suspended sentence meaning if for the next six months you so much as jaywalk he will put you in jail for  set amount of time. I hope you learned a lesson and are sorry for what you done and not just sorry you got caught. Make this a learning experience. Not a good learning experience but yet a learning experience. Also when feeling out a job application most do not ask about misdemenors only felonies. I'm sure the attorney will tell you that once the record is sealed. You do not have to tell a future employer anything about this incedent.

  2. I'm a juvenile detention officer. When we have juveniles that commit crimes like this its usually Theft 4 or 5th. I doubt you will see any time in a juvie hall unless you violate probation. Most likely be on probation for 6months and have community service

  3. Just remember this would be a theft charge and companies that hire people will usually turn away a theft charge even if it was just a misdemeanor. I have had many years of HR experience and this came up all of the time. If you were 7 and stole a pack of gum, who really cares. Now that your 17 years old, they do care.

  4. LOL! U R A NOOB!

  5. Yes if you commit a crime after the age of 15 your crimes you do can stay on your recored unless a judge expunges when your 18, you really messed up you will not ever be able to get a security clearance, ie government work, get a lawyer and try to fight this

  6. Bad luck man um this isn't really relevant but i was caught underaged drinking at 14 I am 15 now, the police locked me up for a while then my dad came and got me and they said that my criminal record was public and every one could see it but after a year it would no longer be available to the public but it would be always on the police data base, so that might happen to you?

    good luck mate i really hope that you don't get punished too hard!

  7. Forget about going overseas, when they see that you steal they won't let you in their country.

  8. Why in the world would you have done that?  If you want to do something exhilarating try bungee jumping or something like that.  Most likely it will be a slap on the wrist and maybe some community service or a fine.  Most likely it will not be a permanent mark on your record being the first offense.  Really, be smart about things look for other things to get a thrill from, that are not illegal, it is not worth ruining your future.  You have the opportunity to do so many great things in your life.

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