
Im 18, I want to start teaching piano lessons. Is that a good idea?

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I have been playing the piano for five years. I can read music well and have books up to Repetoire level 9, but I mostly learn all the music I play by ear. A lot of people say I'm quite good. I want to take on a second job, and I was thinking maybe I could teach piano lessons to kids for a cheaper price than all the adult teachers around here. How would I go about marketing myself?




  1. Here are a few tips to market yourself

    1. Print out little brochure/fliers with your piano lesson information - fun, interesting, etc. Rate information for example $15/30 minutes etc

    2. Distribute the information to your neighborhood.

    3.  Put up the information on grocery stores bulletin

    4. Distribute the information to local music stores and piano stores

    5. To gain more momentum, you may consider offer 1st month or 1st lesson free.

  2. First question: Have you done piano exams? If you are in north America, go for RCM (royal conservatory of music). What level have you achieved? They are going to look for someone who is a higher level, to insure that you can teach the kids.

    Second question: Which method are you going to teach? Are you a Suzuki person? Do you like Fletcher? Alfred? Bastien? Faber?

    Third Question: Do you know the requirements to move up the examination levels? I would recommend you get yourself a piano syllabus and learn it WELL

    These are the types of questions an informed parent will ask you. Can you answer them?  

    As far as marketing yourself, I would write up a little biography for example:

    Jane Do has been playing piano for ___ years. She is an experienced musician who would like very much to pass her knowledge and love of music down to other people. Jane has achieved grade _____ (or performers or teachers) through __________ (exam organization, like RCM). For more information please Contact Jane Do at ___________.

    Or something along those lines. One of the best ways to market yourself is by word of mouth. Tell all your friends. Make up an add. Ask your local elementary schools if they will let you put it up. You can also contact your local piano teachers association. If you are well qualified they will probably add you to their lists, so that when students from you area call looking for a teacher, they will have your name and number. Depending on where you are from, this may cost you a small amount, but is definitely worth it. Being recognzied like that by one of those associations says you are well qualified. Another option would be to contact your local examination agency (like RCM) and see if they will add you to their teacher list. Again, if you are well qualified they will, and this looks very good to prospective students.

    Good luck :)

  3. I'm not a professional at this, but if it were me, I would ask around the schools in the area, talking to the head of the music department. Maybe get an add in the school newsletter, or see if they will let you put up a flyer.

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