
Im 18 and I really like Demi Lovato's music but am I way to old to like a Disney Person?

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Im 18 and I really like Demi Lovato's music but am I way to old to like a Disney Person?




  1. i don't think so...

    youre entitled to what you like.

  2. wth,, there arent an age that says that u shouldnt like somethng

    alot of my family are in their 30's - 40's and they enjoy watching Tom & Jerry

  3. I am 22 and use the Disney Channel as a "guilty pleasure". Plus, my 9 month old son likes to get in on the shows too...he loves the Hannah Montana music, and the little voices in the shows keep him interested. So it's a win-win situation. It brings me back to when I was younger and had less responsibility. Makes me feel like a teenager again. I can't say that you should really care what other people think...what you watch on your personal television in the very private confines of your own home are your business....nobody else's. Also, the personal music choice that you choose for yourself is no one else's business either. I love Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus. The craze of it all (like in every corner at Wal-Mart) is kinda driving me nuts...but she is very talented and has a beautiful voice...and even though she is considerably younger than I am, I look up to her. So, point in case here - like what you want to like. There is no age limit to fun and good music.      

  4. Nah, I'm 18 and I like Disney people also.

  5. there are no set rules, listen to what you like who gives a bleep if anyone thinks your too old, if you like it thats al that matters, I'm only 17 but Ive missed out on alot cause i use to think way to much about what other people think, now I don't and I'm soooo much happier!

  6. i felt the same way im 14 nd ppl tell meh dat im too old to be watchinq disneyy channel i used to care bout waht ppl tought buht now idc disneyy channel is for everyone too watch nomatter wat age  i love the jonas brothers nd for freshman year im takinq a bookbag of dem nd myy brother tells meh im too old for dat especiacially cuz im going too highschool buht watever

  7. nobody is ever to old for disneyy!

  8. I turn 19 in a few days and I love Demi Lovato and All of my friends are obsessed with High School Musical and a bunch of them also like the Jonas Brothers. Disney has a surprising amount of older teen fans.

  9. What makes you say that? I just so happen to be a huge fan of the Disney channel and it's stars, and sweetie I am older than you. In fact, I am 23 years old. There is nothing wrong with liking someone, or their music, even if they are from Disney. Disney channel has a lot of talented people, as well as some really great movies. Besides, age really don't matter. Like I said, there is nothing wrong with liking Disney channel stars even if you are 18. I'm sure that there are more people, and who are older than you that like and enjoy watching the Disney channel. Oh, and do you know that a lot of the stars themselves are older than what people think. For example, most people wouldn't think that Ashley Tisdale is in her twenties, nor would they think that the Cheetah girls are all in their twenties. I think that's pretty cool, wouldn't you agree. Yeah, and guess what even though their older, they still enjoy playing a character that just so happens to be younger, and do they care? No! Disney channel is what made them who they are today, and even if they eventually stray away from the Disney channel, they'll still always look back, and thank the Disney channel for making them who they are. So what I am trying to say, you can like Demi Lovato, and her music, reguardless of your age. If you have a special talent that you enjoyed doing as a child, you wouldn't stop doing it as you get older, would you? No, why? Because that talent is something you'll always have, and no matter how old you get, you'll always use your God given talent, well, at least until you just can't do it anymore(I'm talking about old age) especially if your talent envolves doing something physical. What I am trying to say is that, it is alright to like Demi Lovato, besides wouldn't you say that she deserves it, for you and I both know that she is awesome!!

  10. im 20 and find her music good to listen to.... i also have 1-2 songs of miley cyrus. you dont have to "watch" or "like a disney person" to enjoy their music their music makes them individuals.

  11. im 21 and i watch Disney i make my bf watch it too and i think he secretly likes it and hes 31

  12. Am I the only one to answer this honestly? Ugh....

    Well, you're entitled to like whatever you want to like, but those who are as old as you or around your age will think that its very immature. They will say its "not real music". I personally agree and believe you need to expand your music collection--- stop watching Disney Channel and go to a club or local music venue and check out what the grown ups are listening to.

    No offense, really. I'm just being honest, which I think is what you were looking for.  

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