
Im 18 and need help?

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ok my bf is locked up for a stupid reason [if you really want to know you can email me] im just not gonna get into all the details right now.. but now im on my own [but with the support of some friends and all my family] and he wont be able to be there for the birth or anything! im still getting over the shock of all this, i prally never will since we had everything planned perfectly and we both miss eachother incredibly but let me get to the point sorry lol

i work at a perfume/cologne store in the mall and make about $7 plus comission, not very much to raise a baby! plus i have no idea what to do about insurance yet but i will figure that one out quick.. but what should i do? i want to go to 2 years of schooling to become an ultrasound tech [and they make about 50,000 a year! but how am i supposed to go to school and raise a baby practically on my own with my job? and even so, i have a car payment to pay for, car insurance, and soon some kind of daycare so i can even get to work!




  1. i wish you well - the only suggestion i have for you is to apply for help through the state.  good luck

  2. I'm not sure where you are, but where I live my government at least gives some benefits for people in certain circumstances, with or without a job. Like, for someone like you, they could give you varying amounts depending on whether you live alone, how much you earn after taxes, your age etc. You should check with your state or government to see if they have something like that. If not you can try find another job. I can't believe you get paid only $7...the minimum wage here is around $12 before tax and i thought that was bad! lol

    Its good your family is supportive. Maybe you could make a deal with your parents, say, after the baby is born you could take turns looking after it while you study. Parents and friends are the best, I'm sure your mum won't mind looking after your baby if you're busy working and/or studying. I know everyone says that you should've planned all this and did schooling before you got pregnant, but I guess no one is perfect :) Hope it all works out for you.

  3. If you are going to go to school, consider public assistance. It is there for a reason. With that $7 an hour, you can get Medicaid for your baby, food stamps, and even cash assistance. Call your local department of job and family services and they can help you. Good luck with school. I am looking into the same career. Two years of welfare so you can get on your feet is not a crime. Don't be too proud, do the best for you and your baby.

  4. Well i think you need to turn to some family to take care of the baby when your at work..

    But,  Your just gonna have to make this work..

    Good Luck!

    Help me?

  5. i dont know if this is possible, did u check out online colleges?they have alot of them,good luck i have knowen people to get through the same things u r going through very hard to but they managed good luck!

  6. Yeah iam in the same boat as you hun. Im 18yrs old and 31 weeks pregnant! Iam struggling. rent payments and everything, and no one wants to hire a pregnant girl :(

    but my advice to you is to applie for some assistance, its S***y but they can provide some help to you. All I can say is best of luck too you :)

  7. you need to get a better job for right now and save up as much as you can.  also online school is great for that type of lifestyle.  work on your degree at your own pace and pay the bills.  its tough just squeezing by but it happens to the best of us.

  8. Hmm i really really think u werent ready for a baby and ur b/f well he sure wasnt ready cause he would ahve thought bout you and the baby before he went and got locked up...

    um u might have 2 wait till ur little babe is a littler older and then study cause i think u will find studying hard especially with a new born ive tried um but up 2 u ur life u have chose this path u will make it work cause u will have 2 there will be no other choice when u have ur babe things will fall into place but just enjoy being pregnant keep ur job  and sort out life after baby is born things will work out especially if u want ur dream job.... ( mother of one and im 22 i use 2 work but i cant afford daycare so i dont and i enjoy being home with my little girl.. im 24) things will work out trust me i know 18 ur still very young but a baby changes things and you will learn 2 love and care for a little person and you will know what u will have to do but just take it  easy n sort one thing out at a time dont listen 2 people who say get rid of it a babys place is with its mother and if ur family are caring and helpful they will see u through the tough times.. when u see ur baby snile at u for the 1st time u will think 2 urself how could i have even thought those things and when they say they love u best feeling everything u have 2 look forward to : ).....  i hope that makes sense.. : )

  9. Why the h**l didn't you think about all of this BEFORE you got pregnant?

  10. can you e-mail me and tell me the oh so interesting story about why your boyfriend is in the clink.

  11. Errr, I don't really know except why do you even have s*x if you can't raise a baby. Seriously reproduction in human nature is nurturing. If you can nurture then... SIGH*

    Can't you ask your family for help?

  12. I just answered your question about him being in jail for going AWOL!!!  1st of all..he is the army honey...he may or may not be able to be there for the birth...that is something that you will have to deal hubby has missed 5 out of 9 birthdays for our oldest is not easy...but you deal with need to dump this loser...i know he is your babies daddy but if is going AWOL from the army what do you think he is going to do with you in a couple of need to find a better job now and try to go to school after the baby gets far as insurance...he will have tricare in the army,....if he does not go to jail....and the baby will be covered under his insurance...if not then get govt assistance...

  13. well you seriously need some help with your problems that's alot of things to handle so what you might want to do first is first give birth to the baby you can ask some family members near you that don't have a job.then go to colledge or continue where you left off in education and in colledge study for ultrasound tech.once you get to the job you want you can pay the car insurance but while you're still studying get a job thats second shift so you can pay for your personal buissness.need more info hit me up at {}

  14. this may sound depressing.but i think you should give up the baby to a family that needs it and has enough money to spoil it. then better yourself. its not your time to take care of a baby

  15. There is plenty of support for single mothers, As well shockingly for children who have parents in prison. Though by getting state help the responsibility will eventually fall to your boyfriend if you name him the father. That being said you need to go to the department of family and children's services and apply for medicaid, food stamps, wic, cash assistance if you can. When the baby is born you can get state paid daycare and even what they call an educational allowance for transportation. My sister got $24 a day so that she would be able to have transportation there and back. you could probably pay a car payment with that but might be best if you find a car that you can own outright to cut back on expenses.

    Many single moms do it and if you are devoted to your child you can do it too. Good luck and Best wishes!!

  16. aww, dont' listen to the first ignorant poster.

    This must have come at you fast, eh?

    it sounds like you're very smart and wise and it shouldn't be hard for you to get a better job.

    If you indeed do have a loving, caring family & friends, they should help with daycare, and maybe some money for school & the car, etc.

    And hopefully your bf will get out soon so he can be the father of this child.

    It's not impossible, many single mothers go through this. It won't be easy, but there are lots of programs out there for young, single mothers.

    Just work hard, and be strong!

  17. See what state assistance you qualify for. Also, see what you're family would be willing to help with. You sound like someone who wants to do better with their life. There is no shame in getting assistance when you really need it and don't intend to mooch. Just don't rely on it completely.

    Hang in there. Also, try to set aside some money in case you can't work the last month or so before you have the baby. I pretty much had to stay at home the last month before my son was born because I was feeling truely cruddy. (He had lodged himself up under my ribs).

    Good Luck!

  18. calm down, and breathe. no tears.

    your baby is counting on you.

    you have to stand up and say.

    i was made for this.

    you are a mother.

    its in you to do these things.

    Everything happens for a reason, you have to live by that.

    Your state should provide some kind of insurance for you, being unwed and pregnant and under 21 gives you every opportunity to have some kind of state health care.

    Now, as for the car insurance and those things you might want to look around for a different job.

    Have you ever heard of a call center?

    You answer phones and talk to all kinds of people and you would be making anywhere between 9-18 an hour.

    Google "call center jobs" and then whatever state or city you live in.

    these jobs teach you what to do.

    most of them only ask that you pass a typing test, and that you have some kind of customer service- which works because of you store position.

    now as for college, look up scholarships, contact your high school, or a local school with a guidance counselor in your area.

    there are ALL kinds of scholarships.

    I really do wish you the best!



  19. It will be hard on your own but you can and will make it. Lean on your friends and family for emotional support. Make an appointment with the local department of family and children services and get on medicaid this will help as far as insurance for you and the baby. You can also apply for other assistance while you are there, if you are qualified they can help with food and other things. Apply for WIC at your local health department. Keep the job that you have and look for something better while you continue to work there. Apply for financial assistance so that you can enroll and go to school, hopefully you will do what you are wanting to there and make a better life for you and the baby.

  20. Ask your mom or someone in your family to watch your baby. You could try going to night classes and working at your job more hours in the day. Good luck with everything!

  21. You've got some changes coming up, yes.  But it can be done.  Are you in the US?  WIC will make sure you have pre-natal care and nutrition so that you can have a healthy baby.  It is so important that you go to doctors visits and try not to stress out as much as possible (I know that sounds impossible).

    Also, if school is your goal, apply for financial aid.  You may be asking your family to help you with child care or going to night school.  

    About your car this is hard to hear, but think about it seriously. Do you really need your car?  Public transportation is a lifesaver when money is tight and you would not have to pay insurance, either.  I went through some rough times where we were carless when my daughter was a baby.  But I found I could do plenty by taking the bus and planning it out ahead of time.  If you do end up being a student full-time, this is the perfect time to give up your car because most universities & schools have lots of transit options.  Getting away from that car payment for a few years can really help you out of a financial hole.

    Whatever comes, good luck!

  22. I had my baby at 17, i graduated high school and now go to college for bussiness and I picked a college that had free day care for full time student and part time students, it was right on campus, alot of colleges have this, and i had a minium wage job befor i was pregnant, then i got an all right job while pregnant, now im back to minum wage but i waitress and make loads of money off my tips and live fine off that, i do have support from my family and friends which is always good, and my boyfriend is still in the picture, but i think you can do it

    I also have medicaide for my baby, I was covered under my moms insurance since i was still in school but my friend had medicaide for herself, they give it out to pregnant women w/o insuance or a high pay,

    Financial aide covered almost all of my tuition, i just had to pay for the books

    What Meg said was right, its a call center (telemarketing), i did this while i was pregnant, theres job offers in every city, they love pregnant women, there was 5 in my office, It was great i made 10$ an hour plus commision, i just sat there and ate and talked on the phone all night lol, its a great job for pregnant women, check you local paper your shore to find these jobs all over!!

    good luck and congrats<3
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