
Im 18 & want to be on birth control, mother says no. is there a way i can get on without her knowing?

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she thinks its just a horrible idea, but personally i would like to know when my little surprise is going to show up every month or if it even does. and im going to college within the next few weeks.




  1. you sound pretty dumb actually. dont do anything that will make it likely that you will reproduce.  

  2. Yeah, you're 18. Go to the doctors yourself. Mommy's not going to do everything for you for the rest of your life.

  3. You're legal honey. do it yourself.  

  4. if you are 18, yes, go to any doctor or a family planning clinic and get some birth control, you don't need anyone's permission now.

  5. ur 18 and legally an adult so u can make ur own decision... she cant say no

  6. your an adult now, you dont need your mothers permissionn  

  7. Why on Earth would a Mother say "no" when her daughter has asked for it???  

    You are old enough to go get it yourself.

  8. you do not need your mothers permission - if you think the doctor will tell her - they are not supposed to but they might - go to your local health department. You are 18 years old and an adult. Your mother can not say no. I think it is an excellent idea to be on the pill for many reasons - it is nice to know when you are going to start - makes it much easier to plan trips, dates, etc. PMS is easier to deal with...and then with the seasonal types, yo can fix it to only have 3 periods a year!

    BUT please remember - the pill isn't 100 % for birth control, AND even though you use the pill, that doesn't keep you from getting diseases..

    I read once in school that 2 out of 5 people have herpes and only 1/2 know it. Believe what the commercial says - it can be passed even if you can't see it.  Herpes, AIDS, HIV and HPV can all be carried for many, many years without any symptoms..

    as far as HPV - men can carry it and not know it - there are no tests to see if a man has it, then you get exposed and if it is caught in time, maybe you get rid of it, but not always- I just had to have a hysterectomy because of HPV exposure when I was a teen - I am now 35.

  9. Yes. You can go to planned parenthood and get on the pill. I would personally go to an OB/GYN. you are at the age that you need to get a pap smear anyway. But for 1 you are an adult now since you are 18 and 2. Patient an doctor confidentiality prohibits them from discussing anything about your treatment with anyone else...even your parents. But if it is money that is the concern, call your local planned parenthood. Most of everything there is free!!! But even though you are on the pill you should always have protected s*x with a condom to prevent from STD's You dont want to get something from some one else.

  10. Well, since you are 18, she can't tell you to not get it.  If you want to, get it, because now you can legally get it without parental consent!  Just go for it and keep it a secret.

  11. you're 18 you're an adult you don't need permission.

  12. planned parenthood they even lie about who they are when they call..and usually your doctor you are 18 your file is confidential even against your mom..most the time even if you are not 18

  13. Your College will have a health department and you can go there for birth control.

  14. you can go to the doctor or a free clinic either way they can't tell your parent if you are 18 or older  

  15. okay your saying you need the bc for regulation of your periods and that isn't a bad idea but i do know that planned parenthood can help you out there. tell them what you've told us they'll be able to help  and no they cant tell your mom anything

  16. yea there is a way...go to the doctors and have them give you a prescription. you're 18, you don't need permission.

  17. why would you ask her?youre 18,you can get them whether she says yes or no.and you  dont need your parents to get you birth control,you can ask the doctor and they'll ask you a few questions

    why you want birth control

    are you sexually active..etc

  18. you dont need parental permission to get birth control you can get it yourself.  planned parenthood can help you

  19. your 18 u  dont need premission

  20. You are 18 and DO NOT need her permission. Go to Planned Parenthood and they can give you some BC.

  21. your legally an adult you don't need your parents permission anymore.

    just go to the doctor and ask for birth control.

    for more research go to:

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