
Im 18 weeks and i really haven't felt any movement, why?

by  |  earlier

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i have felt random movement but i dont know if it's the baby or not. i figured that by now there would be even faint movement with some consistancy, but no not yet. and what i have felt isn't anything that would make me feel like it was the baby. normal or not?




  1. Your baby is still floating around your uterus so it is likely moving a ton but still has room to move without you feeling it. First time moms usualy don't feel anything for a couple of weeks. It kind of feels like flutters or gas bubbles literally for the first while before you feel real kicks.  

  2. Don't feel bad I'm 21 weeks and haven't felt c**p! I just want to feel something! But i guess its normal.

  3. I would say normal.  I am 16 weeks, 2 days and I haven't felt anything yet.  I thought several weeks ago that I had felt it twice (since this is my second I thought for sure) but I have nothing since so I now know that it wasn't the baby.  I asked my doctor about it and he said for me not to worry until I get beyond week 22.  My ultrasound showed lots of movement though.  

  4. It is considered normal to not feel anything. If you have not felt ANY movement by 24 weeks you should tell your doctors, but until then it's ok.

  5. Totally normal.  It sounds like this is your first pregnancy, so you've probably felt flutters and some movement, but you're not exactly sure if it's the baby or not.  Also, you're a bit early on for true, regular "kicks" - this usually happens around 22-24 weeks.  This is also a function of where the baby is (if your uterus tilts back and if your baby is facing back, you might not feel any kicks at all) and your size.  Good luck with the baby!!  :)

  6. its normal not to !i

  7. There could POSSIBLY be faint movement but not with consistancy.  Not yet.  Still a bit too soon.  Wait until the 20th-21st week. You will feel it soon....before you know it your insides will be that little love muffin's jungle gym!!!  Try not to worry too much and just enjoy it.

    Get the book, "What to expect when you're expecting".  The best book ever!


  8. it is normal not to feel the baby until 20 weeks or even further.  With my first pregnancy, I felt him at around 21 weeks.  I am now expecting twins and I have been feeling them even now and again since week 14.  Good luck and congratulations.

  9. its normal  

  10. I wouldn't worry about when your baby should or should not be doing something. Every child develops at different rates both in and outside of the womb. If it worries you, though, you can contact you doctor and he'll be able to tell you when to expect certain things, but they are not written in stone. Babies don't work well on me on that one!! Just be patient. He/she'll let you know he/she's there in time!!


  11. most women dont feel the movements until later...i myself started feeling very light flutters in my 18th week...even now i feel them but not very heavy...m 19w3d today...but ofcourse i feel them quite much than before....u should also start feeling them soon.theres nothing to really panic about...u wont feel the full fledged movements until 22-24 weeks.

  12. I was like this at first. Chances are you have felt your baby but didnt know it. I'm now 20 weeks and pretty sure i can feel it now, so just wait a while untill you get used to the movements and they become more frequent x

  13. You can feel the first movements anytime up until 24 weeks. If you haven't by then, there may be a problem. Lay still on a bed and gently poke ur tummy. This is how I managed to feel my first kicks with my first pregnancy.  

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