
Im 18 wks pregnant and I've started getting raunchy dreams, some were quite worrying. has anyone else had any?

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one last night was about my husband leaving me for someone else who wasnt pregnant, it was very vivid and scary, he reasures me all the time that he would never leave me, (we've been married 7 yrs) but am still very insecure as he is very good looking and gets chatted up when he's not with me. does anyone else feel the same?




  1. While pregnant I have had dreams that i see him with other women ,,, that he leaves me for an ex ... that I call him and he is with another woman ...

    I have also had dreams of me cheating on him ... watching other people have s*x and even very disturbing s*x dreams...

    As time went by i had dreams about the end of the world or that my mother is dating a teenager younger than I am ... That I pee in the refrigerator ... HAHA!!

    werid dreams come with the territory ...

    dont look too much into those dreams im sure your husband loves you very much and you are just dreaming this because of your insecurities

    :) Congrats on your up coming baby ...  

  2. Okay first of all, pregnant women have weird dreams alot. I have had some really ridiculous dreams as well. Plus you are feeling a little insecure because your body is changing. Please believe your husband when he tells you he loves you. Its normal to feel the way you feel. I have a very sweet husband who always tells me he loves me and that I'm beautiful even though I'm huge at 39 weeks, but sometimes I find myself doubting him. Its normal. Just remember, he choose you to have his child not any of those other s****s that try and talk to him. You are the one he wants! Good Luck, and remember, it was just a dream.

  3. Yes, it's normal to have wierd dreams, I had them all the time. Even some that were so bad I woke up seriously mad at people.

  4. Trust me, the dreams don't get any better when you are in the last trimester either.. I find that I am having restless dreams mainly fighting with my partner or catching him out.. I even wake up angry in the mornings still in belief that he is up to no good. I think that it;s just that we are loosing control of out bodies and we re worried our men will wander. We know how men like eye candy and we need the support and love from our partners more then anything at the moment.. It is completely normal. Just trust in your man. He sounds good and hasn't given you any reason not to. Just remember that we wont have this pregnant body forever!!  

  5. i had nightmares thorughout my second trimester some were really bad about my partner leaving me or cheating on me and they would realy upset me because even though i know my partner would never do that they felt so real it was horrible..they stopped around week 25 thank god but i still get some random nightmares ever so often in the last trimester wheras before i was pregnant i never really had nightmares at all.

    try not to eat close to going to bed as this can cause nightmares - sugary foods and also cheese is even said to be a contributor

    i wish you the best of luck in your pregnancy =)

  6. I was 12 weeks along when i started having crazy dreams. It sucked and i couldn't wait for them to stop. They were so crazy I felt like i wasn't getting a good nights rest. They did not stop until I was about 17 weeks along.

  7. I also experienced dreams like this early on in my pregnancy, but they went away far lol. But I just remember they are dreams and I let them go but still they can seem so real. Although I do find myself feeling a little insecure now that my body has changed, but he says he loves it. So I just leave it alone. Good luck and congrats!

  8. I had EXTREMELY wierd dreams when I was pregnant and I still have them now (7 weeks post partum)..It's just your hormones going A-wall!

  9. First of all, Congratulations!  I am guessing this is your first pregnancy.  Your body is going through so many changes right now, it gets a little crazy.  I too had some really weird dreams I couldn't comprehend, many of which were from my past.  I did a lot of reading including " What to expect when your expecting."  Truth is, as weird as things may seem, I find out they weren't so weird, others experienced it also.  

    Being a parent it such a life changing event, it is normal to feel incompetent, unattractive, scared and uncomfortable at times.  

    It is also the most beautiful thing you will experience.  I'm sure your husband thinks you are absolutely gorgeous.  Don't let your out of control emotions and crazy dreams get the best of you.

    Good Luck!    

  10. Yes this is normal, around the 3rd month you're hormones are going berserk, don't be surprised if you start getting the hots for really not- good -looking men either!

  11. Ya for some reason pregnancymakes you have strange dreams. It happened to me too.

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