
Im 19 am I too young to have a child?

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Well, Im 19 years old, and I want a child. Like, I don't want to get pregnant and have a child, I want to adopt. I am in my second year of university. Do you think I should adopt or wait until Im older? Honesty and all opinions are welcome! :)




  1. I think you should finish school first adoption is a long costly process and you need to be emotionally established and financially established. You want to bring a child into a home were he or she will not have to worry about physical needs or emotional and school takes a lot from you.

  2. I would wait until u have finished school and have a career. Children are a lot of responsibility. They not only cost lots of money but require all of u and if u don't wait until u are absolutely ready u could grow to resent the child and that would be bad for both of u. U still haven't turned 21 yet I'd wait until I have any possible wildness out of u bc once u have a kid there's no going out whenever u want and doing what u want your whole life revolves around that baby.

  3. Depends on your finances.  The agencies will look into this also.

  4. well being that you are so young and still in college i think it may be hard for you to adopt. they are really strict on adoption these days. if you were to have your own then i dont think it would be a problem i had my first at 19 but why not finish college and have a good stable job before having a baby. do you have a boyfriend/fiancee/husband to help with the big responsibility of raising a baby?  

  5. Honey i commend you on wanting to adopt, but you need to wait until you are done with university, have a job, and get yourself settled.  You are so young yet with so many things yet to experience don't short change yourself those things that will help define the person you are, and the type of life you can give a child.

    There will always be a child in need of a mother to love, and guide them.

  6. I'd wait until your established and have a home, secure finances, and such...

  7. I don't think they will let you adopt at such a young age, I think they want you to be a little older & more stable. Prolly after you are out of school & have a stable job & home.

  8. Wouldn't you want to enjoy your freedom a little longer?

    Raising a child is a large, time consuming and expensive responsibility.

    Enjoy your younger years while you can and wait a little while.  

  9. At 19, you don't have the money to adopt nor are you likely to be considered at your age and financial situation.  Adopting costs are around $20,000.

  10. Ya

  11. I think you should wait until you are done university :)

    Then you should have more time to devote to a child.

  12. i think you should wait till your done school and have a established life. your too young life the young adult life now and then have a baby.  

  13. wait till you finish college and get a good job and a husband

  14. I would wait until you are done with school and have established a home and some financial security.

  15. legal age to adopt is 18 and they would do a check on family and finances and stability and things like that also who you would have to babysit and your support system... it's alsot of hard work and dedication a lot of times children that are up for adoption have issues that need alot of attention so make sure you have time to handle issues.

    But also adoption is a great way to give children an opportunity to have a good live that otherwise they will not so if you feel this is for you then good luck and best wishes..

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