
Im 19 and I think I might be pregnant for the first time is that ok if I want to keep it even tho im young?

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i am ready and i have support and me and the father are engaged and i know its a life time commitment and im not the party type of person




  1. your 19 you are an adult you can absolutley keep the baby and im sure you will do a wonderful job. it might be hard and you are gonna miss out on some things but it will all be worth it in the end when you get to hold your beautiful baby.

  2. Hey - you sound like me and my name is Amber, too. Ok, so anyways...I was 19 when I got pregnant in March and I'm 20 now and will be having the baby in November. If you are ready - financially, emotionally, etc. - then I definitely say go for it! I wasn't a big partier and I had my husband for support so I knew I was ready, well as ready as I could be :) Just a heads up, if you look young - people have a tendency to stare! But ignore them, they suck anyway. Well, congratulations and best of luck to you!!!!!

  3. Girls a lot younger than you have had babies.  My niece had 2 before she was 19.  

  4. Why wouldn't it be ok?

    You are a legal half adult (I say half because we can't drink)

    There are 12, 13, 14 year olds keeping theirs.

  5. congratulations

    your not to young but i think you should think about it carefully because it is a life time decision your about to make  

  6. Of course it is! If you are in a safe place physically, mentally and financially, there is no problem .

  7. Your really not that young at all. Im 19 and I have an 18 month old and 8 week old twins. As long as you can support your child emotionally and financially then its great that you are keeping it! Don't doubt yourself because you don't have age on your side, my partner and I do a great job with our kids and im sure you will too.

  8. Yeah, it is perfectly normal to want to keep your baby. If you are ready to have this baby and you want to keep it, then you keep it. Children are wonderfull. They are hard work, but very worth it. I have 2 and one more on the way and I wouldn't trade them for the world. Good luck if you are pregnant. Wish you the best.  

  9. I had my daughter when I was 16....I'm 22 now and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me... 19 means your over 18... nobody can say anything to you for having a baby at this age.. I got plenty of ppl telling me I was too young but I didn't let that hold me back! ♥ Good LUck & Congrats!!

  10. Get a 'support system' so, you won't be left totally alone.

  11. yeah i had my 1st at 19 and with support coped just fine, hope you have support though, i wouldnt have wanted to do it without!  I now have a very plesent, very sensible 13yr old boy!!

  12. i was 17 when i got pregnant and 18 when i had him and it was planned and now I'm 19 and he is 9 months i couldn't have asked for anything better your not too young plus why worry what other people think its your life and your future live it how you want good luck and a baby is a major blessing from god  

  13. If you were born in the 1910's, people would be suprised if you weren't pregnant. So historically speaking you really aren't to young for keeping a baby.  Do what is right for your baby and yourself.  If it is right to keep your baby do so.

  14. Its not too young, I had my daughter at age 19 and it was one of the best blessings. Why? Because she is the reason I am where I am today. Before I had her I had no plans on going to college I had no plan what so ever as far as what I wanted to do with my life. Now I have my own place a good job and a car. I am going back to college in Jan to get my Nursing degree. I will not lie its very very hard but worth it in the end. There is no book that comes with being a parent. THis is one of the hardest decisions you will ever make good luck and remember its not impossible its just challenging but if your determined and have high expectations and good support you will do good! Congrats on your pregnacy and good luck!

  15. its perfectly fine , im 18 and 11 weeks myself, me and the father are also engaged. as long as you have the time and love for the bvaby im sure you will do great! and if you are congradulations!! i was completely surprised when my periods stoped because i was on birth control, lol.

  16. I would say do whatever you are most comfortable with. Everything works out in the end.

  17. your not young, you are 19.


  18. i had my first baby at 18 but  only have it if ur ready do u intend on having a career or family are u stable enough to have it if u like to have fun and party not a good idea because once u have a baby ur life tends to end because its revolved around the kid and will be for 16 years

    and if the father isn't gonna stay around its going to be hard  just make sure u add up all the pros and cons before making such a life altering decision

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