
Im 19 should i go to a counselor or get anti-depression pills ??

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ive been to a counselor before and it didnt help, but im not sure that if it was just because i felt like she wasnt listening to me

should i try someone else or get anti depression pills?? (do they really work?)




  1. Try both. You have to find a therapist you click with, otherwise, counsling wont work. The pills work, but they are not ment to be a long term commitment. Try the pills for 1 year and couseling at the same time. Then reasses the situation and decide if you still need the pills.

  2. I'd suggest try talking to another person and see what happens.  I've never been a fan of antidepressants (though never taken any) seeing as how music works great for me.  Everybody is different and has their own remedies so do what you feel is best.  Good luck to you.

  3. Try someone else.

    Medication only benefits the pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders!

  4. hiya, you haven't said how bad your mood goes,if it goes to the point of harming yourself then take the medication but bear in mind they can take up to 4 weeks to start working. ok they are not ideal and do have side effects but if it keeps you alive for longer then its worth while. i have had   counselling which i found dragging the issues up reinforced it.(but that's with my case others benefit remarkably) you need to try another counsellor because ive had a few who didn't grasp what my issues meant to me and i'd come out in tears feeling like they blamed me but if you get a good one they work wonders even if its only for coping need support from friends and family also. but i truly believe the only way to cure yourself is to accept the things you cant change and live your life the way you want to ,easier said than done i know!!!! if you need a friend and an ear my email is please contact me if you wish as it does help to talk to people who have been there and are now seeing the other side of life.take care of yourself.

  5. well it depends... do you really feel like you're depressed? if you are bummed down more than you are happy for no reason in particular, I would suggest trying them, but if you're just sad because you may not have a significant other or you don't think you're pretty I'd say you don't need depression pills... you need a self esteem booster.

    first off... if you're on myspace or facebook a lot... stop. it is such a waste and you will see after a while exactly what I'm talking about.  facebook/myspace... makes you feel like c**p because you see pictures of other people looking so happy and having a great time, you cant help but envy them... even if you really don't have much of a reason to. you don't need that in your life, no one does.

    Personally when I find I'm feeling down, I will turn off the computer and go outside and get some sunlight... it works every time. my body recovers quickly and my mood increases by a ton.

    If that really doesn't work for you... then maybe find a hobby or something that takes your mind off of the things that make you sad. Like take up running or bicycling. or start playing an instrument or something. there's countless hobbies you can take up, just look around :]

    IMHO, medication is the last route you want to take. only when nothing else works. you don't want to feel like you have to depend on it the rest of your life.

  6. I suggest you get a therapist, improve your lifestyle, and make changes. Get more exercise, avoid junk and processed high fat foods along with trans fat, and look into a super food drink and Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fish oil is amazing for fighting depression and has great cardiovascular benefits. Antidepressants do not cure depression, it just will make you more dependent on them, making big pharmaceuticals rich.

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