
Im 19 yrs old and since ive left school my mum has threatened to kick me out most weekends and on occassions s

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i want to live somewhere loacally to where i am now and get out as soon as possible




  1. do you pay your way im 19 live at home and pay £30 a week and do all the housework as well as work a 37 hour week.

    Maybe you should get a full time job and help out more even if you dont pay your way!

  2. If you have a full time job, and you are 19, you have no business living at home.

    Do yourself a favor and move out tonight.  Stay in a motel until you can find a place to rent.  

    Eventually you and your mother will become great friends, but your days of living under her roof are over.  Grow up and be a man!

  3. why are you lying Steven all this started because you don't get your own ways under my roof. You don't come home at 10pm -11pm you come home at about 6pm after work and i don't stop up till you get back i go to bed when i want to go to bed, and i didn't make you quit collage to get a job you hardly went to collage and you was suspended and all sorts from collage and when you did leave collage you was sitting around playing computer games for about 6 months and i was the one who found you a job and took you to the interview because you could never be bothered like you still don't all you care about is your self and you computer games and i don't threaten to kick you out every weekend we have our arguments because you think your IT and you walk out and go to a friends house for a few days and come back when you want to come back and Ive told you to find your own place plenty of times but the true fact is Steven you are to scared to go out in to the real world and get your own place!!!  all this is over is because i didn't want the wii on my tv last night because me and your brother was watching  FILM.

  4. if your not working maybe she wants you to start a career as your 19, i'm 20 and i live with my boyfriend.

    if your not working the only way you'll get a local move is probably a council flat, but you'll not have alot of points from them unless your assessed as homeless.

    maybe your mum just wants you to help around the house more, you should sit down and speak to her, try and work things out.  lifes too short to not get on with your mum, your mums your best friend.

    some people just get on with their mums better when they aren't living together (like me), I used to argue with my mum all the time and now we get on really well.

    try speaking to her, hope all goes well. email me if u want anymore advice x

  5. If you have a job then you should at least be paying your mother some kind of rent.  Either that or find a homeless shelter until you can afford your own place.  Your mother no longer has to provide a roof over your head since you are now a legal adult.  It is now up to you to provide your own roof.

  6. Well you're 19 either get a place of your own and do what you want, and pay all your own bills, cook all your own food and do all your own washing  OR  Live at home, get MOST of it done for you and do what your mother asks!!

  7. If your mum makes you homeless then you can go to your local council and make an application for homelessness.  At 19 you could still go to college and as a student you would be entitled to certain benefits. Ask at your local Citizens Advice.

  8. look for someone with a room to rent in their house that includes the cost of the bills (but usually you have to buy your own food on top of that) - some people do that to help with the mortgage

    If you are in the Uk that is about £50 per week at the moment.

    Just make sure it is with someone respectable and trustworthy.

  9. I'm not sure what your question is...

  10. so what are you actually asking? You're 19 and this is a forum or questions about CHILDREN. You're an adult. If you can't live by your mum's house rules then leave home and get your own place. Just deal with it.

  11. Have you got a job? Perhaps you're mother is threatening to throw you out because you don't have a job and therefore aren't saving to get your own place or contributing to the household your currently part of.

  12. With working that much you should have enough money to move out. If not, get a roomate, someone you know or not just look for ads or post one yourself for a roomate.

  13. Well you are an adult! Get a good job if you don't already have one & find an apartment!

  14. it will cost more than you expect to move out have you a friend you can share with?

  15. Do you have a job?  Are you paying her rent?  You are now an adult and need to be responsible.  If you are living under her roof, you should be contributing to the household bills!

  16. You're 19 and in grade school?  That's just sad...

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