
Im 20 days late, kinda worried, am i pregnant?

by Guest45246  |  earlier

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Hi I am 22 years old, my last period started on June 21st, it ended about 6 days later. On july 17th-19th I had this strange brown spotting, that was accompanied with some very light cramping. Nothing like my period. I took my first pregnancy test August 3rd and again August 6th, and last nite all three came out Negative. My b***s are starting to hurt a little bit, but maybe its just my period coming, i don't know. I have been having alot of whiteish discharge. Im not sure if that is a pregnancy symptom or not. And i feel insanely bloated. I always have s*x with a condom as my form of birth control. I do not think it ripped or anything like that, im sure i would have noticed right? Any Comments would be Appreciated!




  1. It was probably to soon to test.. go to the doctoc to have a blood test, that would tell you for sure if ur pregnant or not.

  2. your period is coming

  3. Pregnancy is a possibility, the symptons sound right, but if I were you I would see a doctor to confirm one way or the other, at least you would know.

  4. youre late enough now to go to the doctor i would suggest doing that as soon as you can.

  5. since they came up negative and your so late, go to the doc's either your pregnant of something is not right in your body,, sounds like your pregnant. my not been enough hormone to read that you you were.

    best of luck to you..  

  6. I would say that you are not pregnant. Sounds like you are having PMS symptoms. Testing on the 3rd and 6th of august is definitely a good time to test. I would call your doctor and tell him/her about your irregularity. Have your periods always been regular or irregular? I would say that your periods are just alittle out of whack right now. If the doctor thinks you may be pregnant, then he will do a blood test for sure to confirm it. good luck!

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