
Im 20 years old and I want to persue and acting career, which city would be best for me to do that in LA or NY

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An acting career*




  1. Unless you have access to some money, you'd do better to start in a smaller city and get experience before tackling LA or NY. Chicago is a great training ground for actors and has tons of opportunities for theater and film (independent, commercial, some features). After you have some experience and have made some contacts, then you can see which direction to go.

  2. Don't go anywhere. Use up all the resources in your nick of the woods.  If you land up in either LA or NY, there are going to be a gazillion other 20 year old 'wan na be' actors.  And then you land up in very dicey schemes because you'll have to eat.


  3. Depends what kind of acting?

    Clearly, Hollywood has more opportunities for Film industry.

  4. Neither, I recommend Dallas or Atlanta.

  5. It depends on what kind of acting you want to do. If it's theatrical acting you're interested in, you should head to New York. If it's a career in film acting you want to pursue, head to LA.

  6. L.A. you have more agency's out there and N.Y is more for like models, you'll have more people like you wanting to act to talk to. good luck

  7. very good question, but I would say for acting , L A  is your best choice. you will have alot more avenues  to assist you

  8. LA has more acting agencies and NY is broadway. probably LA

    if you like singing that new york.

  9. for real acting it's good in LA

    for ACTING !!! it's good in NY

  10. In every subject of life you have to start at the bottom so i suggest you start NY then if you feel you got the balls and feel like a great actor go to LA

  11. I think the most exciting city in America right now for an acting career is Chicago.

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