
Im 21 and just found out that i have to have major surgery . What can I expect?

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Im Having reconstructive flat foot surgery. Never having had surgery i'm really freaked out. does anyone have any comforting thoughts or tips? Can even tell me what to expect. Id really appreciate it.




  1. I'm 28 and i have had surgery twice.  Whilst surgery is not nice for any reason, the best advice i can give is to relax and just go with whatever happens.  There will probably be some pain so don;t be afraid to ask for pain relief.  Be honest to your doctors and nurses.  Best of luck, hope it turns out ok.

  2. Ya dont listen to those answers.

    They will first numb out your foot.

    Then they will give u this type of sleeping medicine oxigen sort of thing.

    you breath it for IN, and out x2 you will be knocked out for about the wwhole foot surgery. you wont feeeeel will wake up as if u were sleeping for 1 minute!!! or 1 sec idc lol!

  3. dont stress, you wont feel anything there doing, they will numb your foot, they might even give you some relaxants as well, good stuff ! if they give you that then you wont care what there doing, haha.

    just be cool, there there to fix you, they would have done it 100`s of times so just relax and treat it as a day out.

    you`ll be fine :)

  4. You won't even be aware of the surgery.  The pain begins when you get home.  The pain varies from person to person, and ranges from soreness for several days to extreme pain for up to a week.  Most people have just a little pain if they immediately elevate their foot and use ice on and off as soon as they get home, and continue to do this for the first 48 hours - this makes a huge difference.  Your recovery can literally be almost painless if you follow the docs instructions.  

    Usually the foot is immobilized for at least 6 week using either a special shoe, air cast, or plaster cast.  There are usually exercises or stretches that the docs prescribe while your foot is still immobilized.  The success of the surgery often depends on the stretches & exercises that you need to do for a month or two after surgery.  Many people don't follow through with the exercises as directed and they end up just shifting the problem from flat feet to a new problem created by the surgery and lack of proper rehab.

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