
Im 22 unemployed and uneducated. i wanna be a <span title="musician,engineer(inventor)and">musician,engineer(invento...</span> business man?

by  |  earlier

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do you think this it too much and that i should just pick one thing




  1. Enroll in college first and then decide.

  2. Try doing the maths first and see where you get!

  3. Uh, that&#039;s a bit much.. try one job at a time.


    Most musicians don&#039;t become &#039;famous&#039;.

    Not sure about engineering, not really something I&#039;m interested in.

    And to be a business man you need to be highly educated.

  4. just focus on becoming yourself first then you should go to collage and fulfil your education don&#039;t be like me wait till your 36 before you got to get your s-it together i was a musician/singer songwriter it doesn&#039;t pay the bills now I&#039;m going to collage to do catering because i love cooking do what you want in the end its your life i just wish i was your age now with the life experience i have now i would have gone to collage earlier got a trade then used music as a hobby instead of the other way around good luck with what ever you do oh by the way i am grade 8 guitarist and read and write music there is not much money in it unless your a part of an orchestra or get a record deal and both are really hard to accomplish you need people on the inside to support you and a lot of Patience to get a deal and you need to study hard to become a great musician so you can have a career in music the only other option is to drift through life with nothing

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