
Im 23 y.o male and Im very depressed and I think often of suicide. I have no life, no job, & OCD, please help!

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I have no reason to live.




  1. it's up to you to find your reason to live.  get professional help as this won't go away by itself and you deserve to get better.

  2. I have O.C.D. that is no reason not to live, they make medication to make the symptoms easier. They also make meds. for depression. I assume you have people who love you to live for. You can get a job.

    There is always someone who is worse off than you who is dealing with their problems and moving forward. Get some counsiling and surround yourself with the people who love you!

  3. Stop being so pathetic and get off your lazy butt and go and get a job, do some exercise and start living like a normal person instead of wimping out and blaming it on others. The only reason they appear better off, is they are, because they have tried instead of sitting around feeling sorry for themselves

  4. it sounds like you need a lot of support right now. first - a good doctor and a therapist you can trust, so you can get a little help with meds and counseling.

    friends! some days it feels like we've no friends at all, so on one of the good days make a list of people you can call when you're feeling down. and on the bad days take out the list and make yourself call. and family of course. ask for help, don't be afraid.

    get a suicide or counseling hotline number and keep it with you all the time. pick up and call if you feel out of control or suicidal. also  - is a good place to go at really really bad times.

    not having a job or anything much to do leaves you a lot of time to sit around and think... which can make things worse. plan a couple of things each day, and write them down. you'll feel better when you've accomplished something (no matter how small!) and you might enjoy yourself a little too. things like - going to the library or the gym, exercising, cooking lunch, doing a paint-by-numbers painting. as you go along you can make bigger goals for yourself.

    all the best, i know things will be better for you soon. it's all easier said than done, but you CAN do it. hang in there.

  5. do you know that death won't be worse than life? Nobody really knows what happens when we die. You see it as a way out. But the only way out is through. And the only way through, is THROUGH!

    Your reason to live is YOU. You are your reason to live.  

  6. im 21 and sometimes get depressed. a job would really really help you. it will kind of give you something to live for. dont give in to the thoughts, everyone has somethin to live for hun. itll all work out in the end. you maybe need some professional help if your thinking of suicide. i no exactly where your coming from though, but i come through and so will you x

  7. Try going to the doctors. They can give you some medication for that. You can also feel better going out and getting a job. Then after that try going out on some dates. Stop thinking about killing your self. It is not worth it. I've had a lot of bad times and thought the same thing, and now I have a good career and a loving boyfriend who is very special to me, and since I've been with him I don't need medication and haven't had any thoughts of killing my self. It'll all work out

  8. u should get off your lazy *** get a job and get a girl. its not becuz ur ugly or anything its becuz ur a wimp. grow saome balls and kick some *** d**n it

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