
Im 26, am i too old to be dreaming about being in the next olympics?

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hello, i am 26, iv never competed in any sport, but i am good at cyling, and i cycle often. am i too old to think about joining a cycling club n be in the next olympics in 2012 when i 30yrs old? have i got a chance at my age? or shall i just stop dreaming about it?




  1. I would suggest not focusing on the Olympics, but rather on finding a cycling club to get started with, and enter smaller, local or regional competitions.  Get a flavor for competition.  See how you stand.  But do not get frustrated by it.  It will take some time of training to get into shape, and then competition itself is something that will improve over time.

    At this point, I do not think age is your obstacle.  It will be finding enough time to train, and improve to meet your immediate goals.  But if given what time you have, and what improvements you made, you will find out what your limits are.  Whether those limits are Olympic or not, you will probably find a significant amount of reward from the accomplishment.

  2. a small chance, but start training now it your going to compete

  3. If you keep practicing cycling, and get more intense practice, so your age doesnt stop you (example: Dara Torres in swimming, age 41).

    Age should not be a limit for you right now. Keep trying :)

  4. go for it, there many people your age in the olympics

  5. Think of it like this. Dara Torres is in her forties and she has children. If your goal is to be in the 2012 Olympics, then keep working hard.

  6. Your age is not a barrier. Jeannie Longo turns 50 this year and she was in the cycling road race at Beijing this year. Jeannie Longo and Dara Torres are both older-than-average Olympic athletes, but neither of them started late. Both of them have been on the world scene in their respective sports since the 1984 Games (or before).

    Since you've never participated in a competitive sport before makes me question whether this is a goal or simply a day dream. What has kept you from even _starting_ to persue your dream up until now? Have all those obstacles suddenly fallen away?

    I'm not trying to say you can't do it. But I wonder if it's realistic to have such a lofty goal when you haven't even STARTED.

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