
Im 260 lbs-5"4 - i am 13 .can i get on southbeach diet and how many lbs will i lose in 4 months?

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Im 260 lbs-5"4 - i am 13 .can i get on southbeach diet and how many lbs will i lose in 4 months?




  1. Probably a lot. No one can tell you for sure. You want to lose it to keep it off though, and I think it's a good plan. It's not really faddish like a lot of diets and you can work out a plan to live with from it. I know 2 adults who were overweight for a long time and both have lost over 40 lbs. and kept it off using their plan.

  2. Congrats on taking charge of your health! I would ask your doctor which type of diet would be best for you. I am a big fan of Weight Watchers. However, being so young I believe that it is important to talk to your doctor so that they can make sure that you get all of the vitamins and things that your growing body needs.

    Keep up the good work!

  3. You're dangerously overweight.  You should immediately seek medical help and get onto a medically-supervised diet.  At your age, your body is developing quickly and you are totally off-track metabolically which will cause all kinds of problems later.

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