
Im 29 weeks pregnant, and i have been feeling alot of pain lately, could it mean the baby might come early?

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it kinda feels like a sharp menstral pain around my belly button. i get dizzy when i try to clean up and get nautious when i try to move.




  1. It doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. Every one of my three pregnancies were different. I have experienced pain, bleeding or nothing at all. All of my babies were born full term and healthy. You should definitely contact your Dr. to be sure. Try not to worry though, stress will make the situation worse.

  2. I would call my doctor..I've never felt that before..

    Good luck !

  3. That's probably not good. You should go to your OBGYN/midwife and tell her exactly what's going on.  

  4. I would call your OB's office.  They will tell you if they think they should see you.  Actual contractions start in your back and wrap around to the front and get more regular as it goes.

    I had what felt like menstrual cramping and was told it is Braxton Hicks.  I guess some women are more sensitive to BH and it hurts them.  One of the main differences is that BH don't get regular.  They remain random.  Labor contractions progressively lengthen and become closer together, almost predictable.

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