
Im 30 and a cancerian, my boyfriend is 26 and sagitarius i, i want to know are we compatible ?

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we are very much in love and get on very well.we want to spend the rest of our lives together.

he gets on with my 2 kids aswell.hes very lovable and intelligent and helpfull.

we both hav 1 failed marriage behind us but want to start fresh together.but dont know why i still hav my doubts because alot of people say sags are unfaithfull partners.

plz can someone give me some advice id be very gratefull.





  1. Don't ruin your relationship with stupid idiotic belief's in all that nonsense. You have one failed marriage don't let all this silliness lead to another bad relationship because you seem to be laying the groundwork for #2.

  2. Why listen to all that garbage you are reading.

    Just listen to your hearts.

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