
Im 30 weeks with a half belly...?

by  |  earlier

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as you can see in the picture i have a half belly not a round belly at 30 weeks im ready to have a full round plump belly...anybody else has or had a "half" belly???the doctor says give me 2 more weeks and it should look different but could it be that im carrying low or something??i dont know just asking cause i want my round belly




  1. nope i have a half belly to. Im 33 weeks. I think it all depends on how your carrying.  

  2. You could be carrying more inside rather then outside.

    People thought I was only 4 months when I was actually 8 months and I had an 8lb baby.

    You will grow alot in the last couple weeks.


  3. Wait, what is a half belly? I am confused. Just a small belly? lol Sorry if I sound dumb right now I was just wondering.

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