
Im 30 years old and I only have $500 in my bank account saved for my future?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do. Im really scared about my future




  1. Hey can i borrow 499 dollars? lol  if your job offers 401k then contribute at least up to the amout that your employer matchs if you dont your just throwing money away.your still young its not to late to get started try seeing a finacial planner.or check out susie ormand show on cable and research her on the net she is awsome.good luck

  2. Work, work, work to earn more money and save money after you earn them.

  3. well time to get a job you lazy bum

  4. Fortunately for you you are recognizing early that something needs to be done.  You are ahead of 85% of the population.

    You don't say what kind of job you have now or your family situation.  Much depends on that.  It would be impossible to advise anyone without more information.

  5. I know you don't want to hear this, but consuming less and saving more is the way to go. Be careful with your savings, and try to avoid debt. Do some of your own research on investing. (And I don't mean watching "Mad Money" or anything like that, those shows are pure Wall St. propaganda!) When you have managed to save a few thousand dollars, talk to an investment advisor. I feel it's very important to have some knowledge before you let anyone pitch you on an investment strategy, so you can make the best decision. Knowledge is KEY!

    Good luck!

  6. Figure out how much you are making and how much you are spending... it is easier to make more money than it is to spend less.

  7. put it into a high interest savings account .

    add as much as you can every week even if it's 1 dollar.

    There are no quick ways to make money without high risk.

    slow and steady is the best way .

    Learn to say no to yourself when spending money . We live in a very material world . but to be honest when is the last time you brought any product that has lasted more than 5 years .

    Things are not made to last . companies know this and that's why keep making money.

    the same can be said about medicine there is no money in finding a cure . but a lot is made in selling us pain killers .

    sorry getting way off track lol.

    Come live in New Zealand . free health care great climate ,beautiful country .

    and work  if you want to work .

    great employer saving retirement scheme in place

  8. Well, honey...maybe we should start a club.

    Then in another 30 years, we can support one another.

    For a month.  

    So if nobody has any better answers... you call me up!

  9. get a job

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