
Im 36 weeks can i be having contractions?

by  |  earlier

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last night i was going to bed and my stomach started hurting i thought it was contractions. but it turned out to be gas so i used the rest room. than i drank some milk to settle my stomach. than today i think i have felt the same thing again. but i dont have gas today. i dont know how long they last it seems like forever. but could this be real contractions or just braxtin hicks




  1. These are braxton hicks. Normal contractions are much more regular.  Braxton Hicks can soon turn into regulare contractions.  So keep an eye on them.  When they start to get so painful that you cannot talk through them its real.  Another sign is that they will be closer together. Maybe starting ten minutes apart up to 2 mintutes apart.

    Did you know feeling sick, having diarehhea throwing up stuff like that is also a sign that labor is close.

    Well good luck your baby will be here soon enough!

  2. it probly is jsut braxton hicks but it could be real.. when the get strong enuf that u cant talk in between them then GO TO THE HOSPITAL! my son was born @ 36weeks so its definitly possible

  3. I experienced the same feeling for about a week around 36 weeks. I felt as tho I had gas or had to poo. I am pretty sure it was braxton hicks but it comes and goes now. I still feel kind of gassy I am now 39 weeks.  

  4. You should call your doctor, there better off telling you what is happeing,

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