
Im 37 weeks and 1 day do you think that my Doctor will....?

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pick a date to induce me if i dont have the baby by a certin date? Im due September 8th but with my daughter they induced me at the last minute at 41 weeks becuase i was not doing anything. I just wanted to see what you thought? I would like to have the day picked out instead of being induced the same day if ya know what i mean, hoping he comes before my due date but just incase do you think he will i go to the Doctor tomorrow morning just wanted to ask you guys first...Thanks




  1. He can't legally induce you until you're 39 weeks. You can ask him tomorrow and I'm pretty sure he'll go ahead and set up a date for you. They did me!

  2. Hi.

    I don't think he'll pick a date just yet.

    I went 8 days over with my first. They gave me a membrane sweep, and i was due to be induced on Monday, but gave birth on Saturday.

    It's the same now, with #2, i'm having my membrane sweep tomorrow, and i'll book in to be induced on either Monday or Tuesday. I'm hoping to give birth before that though.

    Congrats on your pregnancy. I love being pregnant. I'm almost sad it's nearly over.

  3. If you and baby are both healthy I would hope your doctor won't induce you. It is the #1 reason for the rising number of C-sections in the USA. You DO have the right to say "no thank you" to your doctor,too. Too many risks for both you and the baby unless it is absolutely medically necessary.

    Birth blessings to you.

  4. I'm all for letting it happen naturally.  Your baby and your body will know when it is right to give birth.  I talked to a women at work that said she carried her baby for 45 weeks.  I was like WHAT!!  She is fine and the baby was fine he was big about 10LB but everything went well. This was also back in the late 70 early 80s.  

    I think you need to really talk with your DR about what would be right for you and the babies health.  To many things I have read have been saying Dr are inducing more and more when it is not needed.   Inducing should only be done if you absolutely have to.

    Good luck.

  5. My Dr. gave me a slip of paper when I was in the office on my due date that said to call the hospital on the date that I was 1 week over due.  They would take me to induce if they had room and if not they'd tell when to come.

    All Drs are different - some wait a full 2 weeks or more others will not.

    I'll tell you one thing though: have the Dr strip your membranes if you want to go into labor. Worked for me! I went into labor that night!

  6. To answer your specific question, yes you probably can influence your doctor as to which day to induce you.

    I do not think it is a good idea to induce labor - your baby and your body knows when that baby needs to be born.  Even if the pregnancy calendar shows you are a week over due, you actually may not be due yet... it all depends when the egg was fertilized, and few women actually know exactly what day that egg implanted into the uterine wall.  Also, did you know that boys tend to be 'late'?  There are usually zero complications to being 1 week 'over due'.  Trust your baby and your body.

    Just so you know, when they induce you, your contractions are much harder, stronger and more painful than your natural contractions if you aren't induced.  It is pretty common to encounter further complications if you induce vs. allowing your body to decide what day to deliver.

    If you get a chance, watch the movie, "The Business Of Being Born" -so good and very informative.  You can download it from Netflix.

    Congrats on the new little one :-)

  7. at my 38 week visit i wasn't doing anything and that's when he told me he was going to induce me the next week

  8. They probley will if there are no signs of labor after 40 weeks

    but thats up to your doctor

  9. Doctors are all different.  At the clinic I go to the cut off is 42 weeks as long as your baby is not stressed and you are doing well.  Other (stupid) doctors say the same thing about 41 weeks, even 40 weeks.  A good doctor would have a good reason for induction before that time - like your fundus is really high and your cervix is soft and flat, or the amniotic fluid is low, not just because you want to plan things.

  10. my doctor told me that i can be induced one week early and that we would schedule a time at my 38 week appt. so i would just ask your doctor if you can be induced on the first or second there isn't really any reason why they should tell you no

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