
Im 39 weeks pregnant and had a little bit of spotting, is this a sign of labor?

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Im 80% dilated and 2 1/2 cm diltated. ive been having contractions that are on a pattern of 7 then 5 then 7 minutes apart. when i went to the bathroom right now i noticed some dried up blood. not a lot but not a little spec. it wasnt bright red it was like red tinted kinda brown. could this be a sign of labor? i had intercourse at about 4 o clock and now its midnight.. so idk could that have jump started my labor?




  1. Yes, brown is the color of your mucus plug (keeps the baby in) and you are 80%, are you sure? Normally they do not let you leave the hospital after 65%. Either call your Dr or go to the hospital, depending on how far of a drive you have, we live 45 minutes from the closest one. And you could have jump started, but it sounds like it was already there

  2. Intercourse can start contractions.  Doctors usually don't tell people that unless it happens.  Brown is old blood and that's probably what it's from.  However, spotting can be a sign of labor, especially if you are having consistent contractions.  If your contractions are that close together, be sure and check with your doctor to see if you should go to the hospital.

    Good luck.


    Back pain can be from contractions too.  Depending on when you were last checked, you could be even more dilated now.  It's best to be checked out and make sure your doc knows what is going on.  If you are having a hard time talking during the contractions or you need to grip something, these are signs of real labor too.

  3. The blood could be a the onset of labour. s*x can bring it on too.

  4. I am assuming you meant 80% effaced and 2 1/2 dilated. This light colored spotting you noticed could be an early sign labor will start soon. I would definitely let your doctor know because it could have been your mucus plug. With your contraction being even apart is a good thing but you didn't say how long they were. That is very important. If they are under 1 min. Most likely your not in full labor yet. s*x and activity can increase the chances you'll go into labor. Take walk with the hubby or a friend to increase the chance labor will start soon. The more active you stay the more likely labor will increase.

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