
Im 39 weeks pregnant today - stretch and sweep today?

by Guest62128  |  earlier

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My midwife is coming over today as she has agreed to help my baby come asap. She is going to do a stretch and sweep - what is this and will it hurt? will labour be automatic??




  1. Some midwives will do this when a client is getting especially uncomfortable in their pregnancy.  It does not guarantee imminent labor, but does increase your chance of the water breaking.  I have had 5 children, 2 of which had the water break before it was time to push.  I much preferred laboring with the water intact.

    Some questions to ask your midwife would be 1) why she is suggesting this 2) what she expects it to accomplish and 3) the pros and cons.  The great thing about having a midwife is that you are involved in your care, and have freedom that other women do not have under standard medical care.

  2. Are you serious??  Why on earth would anyone want to do that to themselves.  It is called Stretch and Sweep of the most private part of your body - of course it will hurt.

    Just be patient and let the baby come when he or she is ready.  At least you'll get some more sleep under your belt.  You aren't even 40 weeks yet.

  3. Stretch and sweep is the same as stripping the membranes. I've never had it done, I have heard that it hurts and is uncomfortable. Good luck. (even then labor is not instant, it can still be a week away)

  4. If you want your baby to come asap, start walking- especially up hills! Also, s*x helps too!  Why go through something painful and unnecessary- the baby will be here before you know it!  Appreciate the last few days- go to the movies, enjoy a four course meal, and read a juicy book- all things you won't have time for once the baby arrives!

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