
Im 4 days late! Please anyone i need your help?

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My period was due on the 17th. i have regular 32 day cycles and today is the 21st and still no period tested day of in the afternoon, the next day with first morning urine and the next day not first morning urine and all were negative. I havent tested yesterday or today. I had bought the fist response early results 3 pack box. and like i said all were negative. I havent had many symptoms, but 2day i have been so crampy and also crampy in my lower back. i keep running to the bathroom and no period (thank god haha) But with each passing day and no period my hopes get a lil higher. I hope i am pregnant!! Im just so confused whats going on. Why am i late but still getting negatives? When should i take another test and it be accurate? Please Help!!!




  1. I am in the same boat I am 5 days late and I can't say I have been late in about 12 years so I understand your anxiety No need in wasting tests testing back to back wait a few days in between and pray you get the results you want Tons of baby dust to you and God Bless!!!!

  2. hormones may not be strong enough to give positive result yet.

    Keep using first response and first urine of day but wait a week or so although your period was due on the 17th you may have only got preggo a little while befor this. good luck

  3. im in the same boat, I am 5 days late and no symptoms except mild cramping every now and then and a little mucus..I am waiting till friday to take a test, my periods have been irregular since coming off the pill but have just slowly become more regular in the last three months around the 33 day mark, as before they were 50 days...Good luck to you and me, and yes don't take the tests one after another, will waste them, at least wait a week.

  4. hun wait till u miss ur periods then have a test again and if it still comes negative then have a blood test it will come in a blood test and its easy to kno its jus its not in ur urine yet so thatswhy wait till u miss ur periods andGOODLUCK

  5. u naughty girl

  6. Take the tests a week apart and don't stress about it!

  7. well i was 7wks prego with my son befor any test gave me a BFP but even then it barley showed up on the HPT...go to ur dr. and get a blood test!!!!

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