
Im 5'9 and 170 im starting rugby soon but before i go i wanna be 210lbs to 215lbs of muscle any tips?

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Im 5'9 and 170 im starting rugby soon but before i go i wanna be 210lbs to 215lbs of muscle any tips?




  1. lift weights and eat lots lol

  2. at 170 your a bit old hahahaha

  3. start looking online for steriods mate cause to gain 30 pounds of muscle thats what it will take! Better still stick to a good diet, hit the weights and do heaps of sprint taining and you might beef up 10/15 pounds. Instead of trying to be the biggest and strongest, hone your skills, a player who can move quickly and has good all round ball skills will be more beneficial to a team than a bulked up draught horse. Good luck!

  4. How old are first? What position? You are talking about nearly 20kg which to safely build up should be done over 1-2 years and won't help your co-ordination initially if done sooner. Younger and 2nd, 3rd and 4th division senior grades do not require such bulk to be more than competitive. Aerobic fitness coupled with strength training would provide more advantage than muscle mass alone. Smarten up, a fit body will allow the brain to function better on the field and lead to smarter and more effective play. I am 188cm and 100kg or 220lb and would like to be fitter and 200lb. Cliche' "it is not the size of the man in the fight but the size of the fight in the man".

  5. Here are six basic principles that could make it happen but be aware the ability of the body to grow muscle does rely on other factors other than diet and exercise.

    1. Follow Arthur Jones’ general recommendations for one-set-to-failure from the little-known Colorado Experiment, but with lower frequency (maximum of twice per week) and with at least 3 minutes between exercises.

    2. Perform every repetition with a 5/5 cadence (5 seconds up, 5 seconds down) to eliminate momentum and ensure constant load.

    3. Focus on no more than 4-7 multi-joint exercises (leg press, trap bar deadlift, overhead press, Yates bent row, dips, incline machine benchpress, etc.) and exercise your entire body each workout to elicit a maximal hormonal (testosterone, growth hormone + IGF-1) response.

    4. Eat enormous quantities of protein (much like my current fat-loss diet) with low-glycemic index carbohydrates like quinoa, but drop calories by 50% one day per week to prevent protein uptake downregulation.

    5. Exercise less frequently as you increase strength and size, as your recovery abilities can only increase 20-30%, while you can often increase fat-free muscle tissue up to 100% before reaching a genetic set-point.

    6. Record every workout in detail, including date, time of day, order of exercises, reps, and weight. Remember that this is an experiment, and you need to control the variables to accurately assess progress and make adjustment

  6. Nandrolone



  7. first of all, you can start now, learn your basics, rugby'll also make you faster, those extra pounds you wanna put on will make you like real slow unless you already do some running. I suggest you start rugby now, because i mean, i won't hurt you know, why start later? just start now, put those pounds on later.

    but if you really want to, use some real big weights, go for low reps, and few sets, this makes your muscles grow real fast, take protein powder with that, or eat a ton.

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