
Im 5 feet tall and weigh 113. is that 2 much?

by  |  earlier

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i wanna lose 20 pounds and get down to 93 but i dont know if it would be a good weight




  1. As long as the weight is not all fat, you're fine. It's still good to work out and eat well, though. Then you'll look even trimmer.

  2. I was 5' 113 when I was about 10..

    However im male but I dont see why you would want to lose weight.. if anything you gain weight, becuase I thinked you'd be considered underweight.

  3. it makes me sad to read this question.. im 5'1 and weight 200 pounds...ive been trying to lose weight forever. For someone who is only 113 pounds LOL that is hilarious. no offense...but seriously!!

  4. every girl has to be at least 100 lbs. ur perfect weight dont change

  5. You're bmi is a 22 and thats completely normal for you, but losing weight couldn't hurt. Good luck with whatever you choose.  

  6. Your ideal weight would be 100 lbs so below 80 lbs could be regarded as underweight and above 120 lbs could be regarded as overweight.

    Your weight is OK and you are not overweight.

  7. Nah, that's fine. Please don't drop down to 93lb, you don't need to.

  8. hey ur weight is perfectly fine according to ur height..and u really don't need to lose ur weight..but if u wanna lose it u can make it 100 pounds i think

  9. your fine the way you are...def do not lose 20 pounds...thats way to skinny!..if you dont like the way you look try toning up a bit...that always helps

  10. ur good, dont loose nothin, 20 pounds is way to much dont even lose 5, boys wanna see sumthin

  11. If you really think you need to lose weight, then just do it.

    You know your own body better than a bunch of strangers online.

  12. It's hard to say when I can't really visualize it, but that doesn't sound too bad. I'm sure you could probably lose a few pounds, but don't go overboard. I think 100 is a good goal. With 105-110 being good results as well.

    Like I said, it's hard to offer advice when I don't know your exact body type, but hey, we make do.

  13. thats 2 much. at max loose 5lbs

  14. Nooooo!!! stay right there that is perfect just workout and exercise everyday and you'll be in great shape

  15. i think that a perfectly normal weight.

    My BMI is abt the same as yours. I'm different height and weight.

    You may think you're fat but your not.

    If you lose 20, you'll be underweight, an unhealthy range.

    if your really that self conscience lose 5 pounds or so.

    are you a teen? if so, just cut down on sodas (use water) and less fast food.

    go to the gym on weekend.

    nothing drastic.  

  16. OMG you r just way WAY to big

  17. You seem just the right to me don't change

  18. i think you'll be a bit too think if you lose that much, in fact check this chart, looks like you are right where you need to be, depending on your age and body frame.

  19. Oh, Lord.  When will it end?  No.  Stop the madness, please.

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