
Im 5 foot 6 inches and 104 pounds?

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I'm 5 foot 6 inches and 104 pounds. My stomache seems too fat. what should I do to excersie and eat. And don't give me a lecture telling me im underweight, i have my mom for that. Thanks for your help:)

BTW- Im a 13 year old girl living in the US




  1. You should have a photo for us to accurately answer this. It could be you're just bloated. Stress puts on tummy weight. Do some sit ups and core exercises. And maybe you need to see your doctor about the possiblity of an over the counter colon cleanse. It's all I can suggest since you don't want me to talk to you like I'm your mom. I know from the upward angle, all our tummies look a lot bigger than they really are. Drink more water and it will pass a lot of the toxins in your system out. Cut out fatty foods for awhile, no fried foods, or sweets. Eat fruits , veggies, and whole grains with fiber. You're 13, adults do know more than you. I didn't want to hear c**p from adults either when I was 13, I understand. But you need to chill out about your self, you are underweight for your height, age. No lecture, just the truth. And check out these sites on belly fat and being average or under weight.That way you can see the truth for your own eyes, and it will calculate everything for you.

  2. Thats perfect for your height and age, very thin and slim actually. Not underweight or overweight :) Its probably baby fat that you are seeing, trust me it shoots up and goes well, into your b*****s;)

    Anyways, you should still exercise and eat. Try websites like Cosmo Girl etc, they have good exercise routines for teenage girls, and healthy food diets.

  3. Believe it or not, you need to adapt a more balanced diet.  This doesn't mean you need to cut the good foods out, but rather try to cut down on sweets, salty items and fried foods.  You'll still need to consume upwards of 1600 calories per day so just start eating things you know are good for you.  To maintain a nice tone to your muscles, you can do targeted workouts such as ab crunches, sit ups, etc.  At 13, you are definitely below the BMI for your age, but you already know that.  All I can advise beyond what I've already suggested is that you eat six small meals a day.  This will help you in your quest to be healthy.  Good luck!  

  4. BMI wise, you're underweight.

    Eat healthier than you do now and do crunches or something.  

  5. You ARE underweight, but that doesn't mean you dont have tummy pudge. Did you know that muscle weighs more than fat? Do some crunches and other excersizes, and you will lose the stomach fat and gain weight! And don't worry so much about your weight, whether you think its too much or too little. It will fluctuate like crazy until you reach, like, 16,

  6. You don't want a lecture then I'm not going to say much

    Get help  

  7. I'm 5'5 and 105 give or take, people have been telling me I'm underweight my whole life but honestly as long as you are eating enough you're fine.  I would just focus on crunches, or if you can get a membership to a gym they have great ab machines there.  Try something like yoga or pilates, us thin girls are usually naturally flexible and it's very good for your body and mind!  Overall, you are still very young, and you need a lil bit of fat to go through puberty in a healthy manner.

  8. just look up exercises to flatten your stomach

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